Intermediate Analytic Rubric - Interpersonal Task



Meets Expectations
  - Strong

Meets Expectations
- Weak

Does not meet

Language use Language includes narration and description; ideas are connected and presented in different time frames. Mostly connected sentences. Creates with language; able to express own ideas in a variety of ways and tenses. Some strings of sentences, possibly complex sentences. Creates with language; able to express ideas in a basic way. Simple sentences.

Uses mostly memorized phrases; minimal attempts to create. Mostly connected phrases.

Initiates and maintains conversation with various strategies. Clarifies by paraphrasing. Maintains conversation by asking and answering questions. Maintains simple conversation; asks and answers basic questions.

Responds to direct questions; little initiation.

Comprehensibility Message generally understood by native speakers unaccustomed to language learners. Message generally understood by those accustomed to language learners.

Understood with some difficulty by those accustomed to language learners.

Vocabulary and
Uses wide range of vocabulary taught in class. Few (0-1) errors in targeted grammar forms. Uses many of the vocabulary words taught in class. Some (2-3) errors in targeted grammar forms. Uses some vocabulary taught in class. Several (4-5) errors in targeted forms. Limited vocabulary. Many errors or no use of targeted forms.
Content Draws in examples and information from class and outside sources. Uses multiple examples and information from class to support conversation. Uses limited information and examples from class to support conversation. Uses no relevant examples or information or was off topic.

Adapted from a rubric developed by participants in the 2008 CARLA Summer Institute


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414