Archived Content from Conference Held in May 2011 

Paper Review Criteria

Papers will be evaluated using the following categories and questions:

Scholarly or educational significance

Does this paper address an important issue in language teacher education? Does it offer the promise of new knowledge? Is it likely to stimulate discussion?

Theoretical orientation

Is a theoretical framework evident? Are the hypotheses or research questions significant? Does the author refer appropriately to previous research, theory, or practice? For the theory-based papers (those which propose a new framework or reinterpret earlier studies), does the discussion appear to be substantive? thought-provoking? insightful? For practice papers, are the practices innovative and do they build on existing theory?

Quality of research
(if applicable)

Is the research design appropriate and adequately outlined? Will the findings be of interest to teacher educators?

Quality of practice
(if applicable)

Is the practice described innovative? Is it of potential interest to other teacher educators? Does the abstract describe clearly what is involved?

For symposium proposals

Will multiple perspectives be shared by presenters? Does the proposal ensure that there will be adequate time for dialogue among presenters and audience?

Quality of presentation

Is the abstract focused? clearly organized? well written?


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414