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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2008 

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Symposium: Immersion Student Language Use Across Program Contexts
Saturday, October 18, 10:00 am, Room: Great River Ballroom II & III 
Tara Fortune, CARLA - University of Minnesota
Maggie Broner, St. Olaf College
Mandy Menke, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Minnesota
Elaine Tarone, CARLA - University of Minnesota
Diane Tedick, University of Minnesota

Tarone and Swain (1995) called for systematic, classroom-based research of immersion students’ naturally occurring language practices. The research presented here examines the language use of 5th graders across three U.S. language immersion contexts. Together these data highlight factors that influence which language immersion students use and for what purposes.

Symposium: Policy and Barriers and Opportunities to Indigenous Language Immersion Programs
Saturday, October 18, 10:00 am, Room: Governors III 
Margaret Boyer, Wicoie Nandagikendan Urban Immersion Project
Jennifer Bendickson, Wicoie Nandagikendan Urban Immersion Project

This presentation will combine PowerPoint and group discussion to present the Indigenous Immersion Strategy developed by the Wicoie Nandagikendan Dakota & Ojibwe Urban Immersion Project. This will include Wicoie Nandagikendan’s work on the evaluation process, policy barriers to Indigenous language programs, and funding strategies.

Symposium: Tailoring Language Support to University Content Courses
Saturday, October 18, 10:00 am, Room: Governors IV 
Catherine Buchanan, University of Ottawa
Marie-Claude Dansereau, University of Ottawa
Carla Hall, University of Ottawa

The University of Ottawa’s tertiary-level immersion program in ESL and FSL poses unique pedagogical challenges. Teachers must tailor instruction in the adjunct language course to the language demands specific to the university content course their students attend. This symposium profiles models and examples of how teachers meet this challenge.

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