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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2012

Immersion 2012: Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World

Conference Sessions
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Friday, October 19, 2012
Invited Symposium

Friday, 10:00 am
Capitol Ballroom
Dual Language Immersion: State of the States
Tara Fortune, CARLA - University of Minnesota
Donna Christian, Center for Applied Linguistics
Peggy Feehan, Louisiana Department of Education
Lynn Fulton-Archer, Delaware Department of Education
Rosa Molina, Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education
Gregg Roberts, Utah State Office of Education
David Rogers, Dual Language Education of New Mexico
Kau'i Sang, Hawaiian Language, Department of Education, Hawai'i

What factors contribute to or impede a positive policy climate for dual language immersion education at local, state, and national levels? What are effective ways for immersion stakeholders to communicate about and advocate for program quality and growth? This symposium brings together a panel of six state-level leaders from the U.S. to report on the growth of dual language immersion education in their state and the policy and advocacy initiatives that have supported this growth. Participants will also be invited to engage in a dialogue about policies and practices that serve to promote or restrict high quality program implementation.

PowerPoint (PDF)


Friday, 10:00 am
Governors I
Parental Decisions and Expectations and One-Way U.S. Immersion Programs
Pamela Wesely, University of Iowa
Nicole Boudreaux, Lafayette Parish Foreign Language Immersion Programs
Lisa Dorner, University of Missouri-St. Louis

This symposium brings together four studies about the roles, expectations, perceptions, and influences of parents in early one-way immersion programs. Situated in German, French, and Spanish programs across the United States, the studies all present data gathered directly from parents about their decisions related to the immersion programs.


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414