Friday, October 19, 2012 |
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Governors II |
Integrating Theater in the Immersion Classroom
Valentin Solakhau, Twin Cities German Immersion School
Scot Stephenson, Twin Cities German Immersion School
German Immersion teachers will share their experiences of integrating theater throughout the school curriculum. They will speak to the unique benefits of theater techniques and of collaborations between specialists and classroom teachers in an immersion environment.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Governors III |
Teaching for Proficiency in Mandarin Immersion: Meeting the Challenge
Molly Wieland, Hopkins Public Schools
Yiran Li, XinXing Academy
Lixia Shi, XinXing Academy
Donghong Wang, XinXing Academy
A team of K-5 Mandarin immersion teachers and program staff will demonstrate interactive activities that they have used to increase student proficiency in Mandarin in the context of subject matter instruction and discuss cross-cultural challenges that Chinese teachers face in adopting a student-centered approach to instruction.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Governors IV |
Saving Cherokee: Language Ideologies and Immersion Practices in Oklahoma
Lizette Peter, University of Kansas
What are the prevailing language ideologies among members of Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma? How are these ideologies reflected in linguistic practices associated with the Cherokee Immersion School? This paper aims to illuminate the impact that Cherokee language planning has had on intergenerational language transmission and the revitalization of Cherokee.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Governors V |
Family Storytelling in Three Languages
Christi Schmitt, L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion School
LeQuyen Tran, L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion School
L'Etoile du Nord French Immersion School teachers are collaborating to engage parents from our growing Latino population through culturally and linguistically engaging storytelling activities to increase language fluency in French, Spanish, and English.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Kellogg I |
Made in Louisiana
Peggy Feehan, Louisiana Department of Education
In Louisiana, French immersion teachers create tailor-made instructional units representing their students' reality and heritage. Come explore fresh material such as a Cajun alphabet or a Black History Month PowerPoint "Creole-style," and discover the use of authentic songs, poems, legends, and novels from the rich Cajun-Creole cultures.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Kellogg II |
Building Firm Foundations for Our Early Immersion Students
Lyle French, Escola Beit Yaacov
Marcelle Doria, Escola Beit Yaacov
We will examine the often overlooked skill of phonological awareness in young immersion students. We will explore the high-yield strategies, using a rhyming and segmenting hierarchy that we developed to meet our students' needs to prepare them to read in L2 in grade one. We will also share early invention tools in English, Spanish, and Portuguese to help identify students who may be at risk when learning to read.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Kellogg III |
Learning Through Negotiation of Scientific Knowledge During Peer Oral Interaction
Nathalie Blanc, University Lyon 1
This study, carried out within a sociocognitive perspective and based on video recordings, analyzes oral interactions of students involved in group work during a fourth grade science lesson, and describes how they co-construct epistemic knowledge through the performance of a scientific task involving the negotiation of meaning and knowledge.
Handout/Slides: Blanc_NegotiationSciKnowledge.pdf |
Discussion Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
State II |
This Isn't Easy! Developing an Immersion School Library
Barbara McCrary, Eisenhower International School
Earon Cunningham, Zarrow International School
Libraries in an immersion context are challenging. Join two library media specialists who have been through the process of developing second language collections for new immersion programs. Participants will discuss collection development, library organization, and promotional ideas.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
State III |
Dual Language in the Fox Valley: Appleton Bilingual Charter School
Donald Hones, UW Oshkosh
The Appleton Bilingual Charter School marks a transformation in the Appleton, Wisconsin, community as it breaks from an anti-immigrant past. School personnel will share data regarding how such a school was established, political relationships forged, and successes and new challenges from year one of operation.
Paper Session
Friday, 1:45 pm
Windows on the River |
Montessori Language Immersion
Kateri Carver-Akers, International Montessori School
The Montessori method with its complete array of hands-on materials, student-paced approach, and 'teacher as guide' atmosphere creates a relaxed yet productive environment conducive to immersion. In this warm but structured, multiage environment conducted all in L2, students become confident and proficient both in the language and with academic content.