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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2012

Immersion 2012: Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World

Conference Sessions
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Saturday, October 20, 2012
Discussion Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Governors II
Chinese Immersion Teacher Education
Alice Zhang, University of Maryland College Park
Xiao Liu, University of Maryland College Park

The presentation will give an overview of the teacher certification program, including the coursework design, the internship component, and the in-service continued professional development. We will discuss the lessons we have learned and the future development directions.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Governors III
The Importance of Sociocultural Factors in Content and Language Integrated Learning Research
Liss Kerstin Sylven, University of Gothenburg

This paper analyzes the role of culture, identity and community in the implementation and outcome of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in two European countries, Spain and Sweden. It is argued that these sociocultural factors play a pivotal role, and need to be taken into account in analyses and comparisons of research findings.

Presentation Slides (PDF)

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Governors IV
Adolescent Literacy for Newcomer Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) in a Model Program
Yasmin Hernandez, Newark Public Schools/Newark International Newcomer Student Center

The session will present how the implementation of the components of a nationally recognized literacy program Reading Intervention Goals for Older Readers (RIGOR) has been successful in addressing the needs of newly arrived adolescent immigrant bilingual students with interrupted formal education (SIFE) in a model Bilingual/ESL Newcomer Center program of excellence.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Governors V
Three Parameters in Vocabulary Acquisition in an Immersion Course at the University Level
Alysse Weinberg, University of Ottawa -- OLBI

A case study of vocabulary acquisition in a history course linked to a French adjunct language course in a Canadian university which investigates the relative effectiveness of three parameters of exposure to the vocabulary encountered by the students in their discipline lectures and readings (instruction, context and repetition) for vocabulary acquisition.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Kellogg I
Mapping (In)Equities of Access to French Immersion Education 
Lace Marie Brogden, University of Regina

Combining descriptive statistics (income, property values, languages spoken) with discursive analysis of language policy, this paper examines issues of access to publicly funded immersion education. It presents an argument for policy development that attends to issues of "dépaysement" and inclusion when selecting and supporting school sites offering immersion programming.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Kellogg II
Flexible Language Boundaries in Team-Teaching: A Korean-English Bilingual Classroom
Josephine Lee, University of Hawaii at Manoa

This paper focuses on describing the 'heteroglossic' practices of a bilingual classroom in South Korea. By examining a team-taught lesson characterized by the coexistence of Korean and English instruction, this study will discuss the applicability of translanguaging pedagogy to EFL contexts.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Kellogg III
Effective Reading Instruction in Spanish Immersion
Maria Tordera, Alice Boucher World Languages Academy
Susana Llanes, Frasch Elementary

This presentation focuses on the Guided Reading method used in English reading instruction, including specific steps, progression, and how to transfer and adapt it to target language literacy acquisition. Participants will engage in critical review of classroom video clips and materials, and compare literacy acquisition methods used in their classrooms.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
State I
Kumu Honua Mauli Ola: A Foundational Framework for Curriculum and Assessment
Makalapua Alencastre, Ka Haka 'Ula o Ke'elikolani College of Hawaiian Language, UH Hilo
Alohalani Housman, Ka Haka 'Ula o Ke'elikolani College of Hawaiian Language, UH Hilo
Keiki Kawai'ae'a, Ka Haka 'ula o Ke'elikolani College of Hawaiian Language, UH Hilo

Presenters share their experiences in the development of Hawaiian culture-based education and the impact of Hawaiian immersion environments that embody the Hawaiian educational philosophy, the Kumu Honua Mauli Ola. Discussion will include issues on developing Hawaiian cultural frameworks, a model for indigenous teacher preparation, and oral proficiency of immersion students.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
State II
Sharing Our Stories: Bilingual Family Book Clubs
Melissa Richards de Campana, Richfield Dual Language School
Myriam Castro-Franco, Richfield Dual Language School

Bilingual Family Book Clubs have become intergenerational, dual language opportunities for families to increase cross-cultural awareness and share personal connections through quality children's literature. Family, community members, and students now write and share their own stories as a way to emphasize our diversity and highlight our similarities.

Discussion Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
State III
The Mountain We Climb to Certification
Michelle Medved, Deer Valley Unified School District/Gavilan Peak Elementary

Two years ago, The Deer Valley Unified School District started a comprehensive K-12 Mandarin Chinese Program. We work diligently to bring promising Chinese Teachers into our program but struggle with certification requirements. Let's discuss how other states are facilitating immersion teacher recruitment, licensure, and hiring practices to streamline this process.

Paper Session

Saturday, 3:00 pm
Windows on the River
How to Foster Authentic Use of World Language Through Service Learning
Sophie Toner, Normandale Elementary French Immersion
Peggy Werness, Normandale Elementary French Immersion

Service learning projects are great vehicles to promote the authentic use of a world language. Third graders at Normandale French immersion in Edina, Minnesota, developed a project for a school in Haiti that included raising money through a student-led garage sale and making a shadow book covering many subjects of the curriculum.


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414