Matching. Exercise 1.

Read the following two descriptions. Then match each photograph below with its proper description. When you think you have matched the photos and descriptions correctly, click the "Answer" buttons to see if you're right. The correct answer will then appear below the photograph. Use your "Back" button to navigate to the next exercise.

Description #1 Description #2
Tá an aimsir go halainn.
Níl teach ar bith ann.
Tá go leor carraigreacha ann.
Tá daoine ag an trá.
Tá an fharraige go deas agus tá an t-uisce te.
Tá gaineamh deas anseo freisin.
Tá go leor clocha ann.
Tá daoine ar an mbóthar.
Tá an aimsir go breá anseo.
Tá na daoine ag siúil.
Tá garranta beaga agus teach deas anseo.
Níl uisce ar bith ann.

Pictiúr #1

Pictiúr #2