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Vocabulary Items |
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brown, to build, to carve, cloudy, green, house, man, ornaments, red, roof, shingles, steps, stone, warm, wood |
architecture -Tatra style (styl Tatrzanski, goralski);
geography -southern Poland;
housing -modern vs. old, big vs. small;
materials -brick, wood, stone;
weather -cloudy, warm; |
tense -past; |
bare branches, car, curtains, to change a tire, house, to load (the car), luggage, snow, trees, trip, trunk (of car), vacation, windows, winter |
architecture -Tatra style (styl Tatrzanski, goralski);
geography -southern Poland;
how-many? -windows;
pastimes -vacations;
seasons -winter;
weather -cold, sunny |
locatives/spatial relations -up/down;
process/event -changing a tire;
bushes, car, door, grass, house, jeans, man, open (window), to park, patio, roof, steps, to stop, terra cotta, trees, to walk, windows, wooden house |
colors -blue, brown, green, red ;
house ;
materials -wood;
seasons - going to the drugstore;
locatives/spatial relations;
near/far; |
car, clouds, column, cross, high, king, low, roof, sculpture, sign, sky, square, steps, street, tower |
architecture -old style;
colors -blue, orange, red;
historical/religious elements - Zygmunt III Wasa;
urban/rural -urban; |
blue, boots, boy, cold, earnest, hat, mittens, to plow, poles, serious, skis, to ski, small, snow, snowsuit, white, yellow; |
clothing - boots, hat, mittens, snowsuit;
colors -blue, red, white, yellow;
pastimes -skiing;
seasons -winter;
sports equipment -skis, ski poles;
weather -cold, snowy; |
case -locative;
tense -present; |
bald, belt, bushes, dog, eyeglasses, forest, grass, leash, man, mushroom, pants, to pick (mushrooms), shirt, summer, trees, to walk, to walk (a dog) |
animals -dog (domestic): ears, tongue, tail, etc.;
pastimes - taking a walk, picking mushrooms;
physical appearance;
seasons -summer; |
blue, bushes, clouds, dark, horizon, mist, mountains, peak, sky, trees |
seasons -summer;
tourism -trips to the mountains; |
near/far; |
backpack, bicycle, to bicycle, blue, brown, child's seat (on bike), hanging lamp, hot, miniskirt, narrow/wide, open/closed, people, purse, shorts, sidewalk, small, street, summer, sunny, to talk, tank top, tourists, to walk, wall, white, windows |
seasons -summer;
sports equipment -bicycle;
transportation -bicycle;
weather -hot, sunny;
contrasts -open vs. closed, wide vs. narrow;
locatives/spatial relations -at, in, next to, on; |
car, churches, column, dark/light, to drive, flower beds, green, to go, high/low, house, orange, to park, pink, red, roof, to sit, sky, to stop, street sign, tower, trees, to walk, window |
architecture -Old City;
buildings -building types: church, house, etc.;
colors -intensity: light vs. dark;
urban/rural -urban; |
adjectives -comparison;
case -nominative;
cognates -e.g., 'pickup (truck)';
interrogative pronoun - co;
arch, backpacks, bag, beggar, boys, to buy, to choose, cobblestones, door, girls, hair, lamp, long, to order, pants, ponytail, queue, to queue (line) up, reflection, sandals, sidewalk, shirt, shoes, shop, shorts, sneakers, socks, street, to wait, window, young people |
colors -blue, brown, yellow;
physical appearance -tall, short, type of hairstyle; |
aspect -imperfect;
verbs -plural endings; |
architecture, city, clothes, entrance, old, ornaments, people, restaurant, sidewalk, signs, street, window |
clothing -shoes, shorts, skirt, socks;
colors -white, blue, brown, black; |
restaurant, street sign, winery |
pastimes -going out to the restaurant;
case; |
big/small, building, cars, clouds, columns, dome, monument, pedestrian, people, sky, street |
how-many? -arches, columns, windows;
urban/rural -urban; |
numbers -cardinal numbers (in number + noun constructions); |
airplane, airport, black, field, to fly, grass, green, man, red, small, white, woman, yellow |
airplane -parts of an airplane;
pastimes -flying;
transportation -airplane;
weather -cloudy; |
army, boots, coat, to guard, hat (rogatywka), insignia, man, necktie, pants, shirt, soldier, to stand, uniform |
body parts - eyes, head, hands, legs, etc.;
clothing -uniform;
professions -soldier; |
plural nouns -eye, ear, arm, etc.;
tense -present; |
bag, bald, black, blond, to choose, fat, graffiti, gray, to hold, to look, man, market, merchandise, moustache, narrow, people, to pick, purse, to sell, to shop, stall, to stand, street, to talk, thin, to walk, white, woman |
clothing -blouse, flowered print, jacket, pants, shirt, skirt, shoes;
occupations -vendor;
physical appearance - bald, fat, thin, wearing a moustache;
shopping -the street market;
urban/rural -urban; |
agreement -number agreement, nouns and verbs;
nouns -singular, plural; |
grass, high, hiker, landscape, mountain, sky, stones, trees, top, to walk |
pastimes -hiking;
seasons -summer;
near/far; |
cakes, (Napoleanka, szarlotka), coffee, cups, dishes, to drink, to eat, napkins, placemats, plates, saucers, to serve, sugar bowl, table, tea, white |
food -cakes, coffee, tea;
how-many? -cups, saucers, placemats, etc.;
pastimes -going out for coffee/tea;
locatives/spatial relations;
numbers; |
backpack, bandana, bicycle, child, grass, to hang, house, jacket, man, pacifier, pants, rope, sandals, shirt, to sit, summer, swing, to swing, tire, trees, yard |
colors -black, blue, brown, green, pink;
pastimes -vacation, swinging;
seasons -summer;
sports equipment -bicycle, tire swing; |
tense -present; |
bench, cafe, chairs, child, cup, fence, flowers, hat, houses, ice cream dish, lamp, man, napkins, napkin holder, Old City (Stare Miasto, Starowka), outside, saucer, shirt, square, stroller, table, umbrella |
colors -blue (dark, light, navy), brown, green, red, white, yellow;
family -father, son;
pastimes -going to an outdoor cafe;
urban/rural -urban; |
plural nouns;
tense -present; |
bestman, bride, justice of the piece, maid of honor, dress, flowers, groom, table, suit, witness; |
clothing -formal cloths;
traditions- a civil wedding;
plural nouns;
directions -left, right;
locatives/spatial relations -next to, near;
plural nouns;
clouds, gloves, hat, hiker, to hike, horizon, jacket, mountains, peaks, sky, snow, woman |
clothing -winter clothing;
pastimes -hiking;
seasons -winter; |
gloves, to grasp, hats, jackets, man, people, scarf, sign, snow, to stand, street, trees, woman |
clothing -winter clothing;
geography -Zieleniec;
seasons -winter;
weather -cold; |
directions -left, right;
locatives/spatial relations -next to, near (accompanied by nouns in genitive case); |
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers,one; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, two; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, ten; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, fifty, king, money, new, numbers; |
culture -money
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; |
culture -money;
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
movies, number, pink, row, seat, seven, ten, ticket; |
pastimes -going to the movies;
number; |
comparatives: more, less;
bus, letters, number, price, to punch, symbol, ticket, ticket-control, two; |
transportation -bus, tram, subway;
number; |
comparatives: more, less;