The Virtual Picture Album -- Poland

The grid below is an annotated index to part of the Virtual Picture Album compiled and distributed by the Less Commonly Taught Languages Project at the University of Minnesota. The pictures in this section of the VPA are of people, places and objects in Poland. Each of the pictures is represented by a thumbnail-sized image in the grid, and is accompanied by:

We also have suggestions for ways to use certain pairs or groups of pictures.

Due to the number of pictures in this section, the VPA index for Poland is divided into two parts.

To view or download a full-sized picture from the VPA, click on its thumbnail representation below.

Photo (Thumbnail) Vocabulary Items Topics Grammar Points
brown, to build, to carve, cloudy, green, house, man, ornaments, red, roof, shingles, steps, stone, warm, wood architecture -Tatra style (styl Tatrzanski, goralski);
geography -southern Poland;
housing -modern vs. old, big vs. small;
materials -brick, wood, stone;
weather -cloudy, warm;
tense -past;
bare branches, car, curtains, to change a tire, house, to load (the car), luggage, snow, trees, trip, trunk (of car), vacation, windows, winter architecture -Tatra style (styl Tatrzanski, goralski);
geography -southern Poland;
how-many? -windows;
pastimes -vacations;
seasons -winter;
weather -cold, sunny
locatives/spatial relations -up/down;
process/event -changing a tire;
bushes, car, door, grass, house, jeans, man, open (window), to park, patio, roof, steps, to stop, terra cotta, trees, to walk, windows, wooden house colors -blue, brown, green, red ;
house ;
materials -wood;
seasons - going to the drugstore;
locatives/spatial relations;
car, clouds, column, cross, high, king, low, roof, sculpture, sign, sky, square, steps, street, tower architecture -old style;
colors -blue, orange, red;
historical/religious elements - Zygmunt III Wasa;
urban/rural -urban;
blue, boots, boy, cold, earnest, hat, mittens, to plow, poles, serious, skis, to ski, small, snow, snowsuit, white, yellow; clothing - boots, hat, mittens, snowsuit;
colors -blue, red, white, yellow;
pastimes -skiing;
seasons -winter;
sports equipment -skis, ski poles;
weather -cold, snowy;
case -locative;
tense -present;
bald, belt, bushes, dog, eyeglasses, forest, grass, leash, man, mushroom, pants, to pick (mushrooms), shirt, summer, trees, to walk, to walk (a dog) animals -dog (domestic): ears, tongue, tail, etc.;
pastimes - taking a walk, picking mushrooms;
physical appearance;
seasons -summer;
blue, bushes, clouds, dark, horizon, mist, mountains, peak, sky, trees landscape;
seasons -summer;
tourism -trips to the mountains;
backpack, bicycle, to bicycle, blue, brown, child's seat (on bike), hanging lamp, hot, miniskirt, narrow/wide, open/closed, people, purse, shorts, sidewalk, small, street, summer, sunny, to talk, tank top, tourists, to walk, wall, white, windows clothing;
seasons -summer;
sports equipment -bicycle;
transportation -bicycle;
weather -hot, sunny;
contrasts -open vs. closed, wide vs. narrow;
locatives/spatial relations -at, in, next to, on;
car, churches, column, dark/light, to drive, flower beds, green, to go, high/low, house, orange, to park, pink, red, roof, to sit, sky, to stop, street sign, tower, trees, to walk, window architecture -Old City;
buildings -building types: church, house, etc.;
colors -intensity: light vs. dark;
urban/rural -urban;
adjectives -comparison;
case -nominative;
cognates -e.g., 'pickup (truck)';
interrogative pronoun - co;
arch, backpacks, bag, beggar, boys, to buy, to choose, cobblestones, door, girls, hair, lamp, long, to order, pants, ponytail, queue, to queue (line) up, reflection, sandals, sidewalk, shirt, shoes, shop, shorts, sneakers, socks, street, to wait, window, young people clothing;
colors -blue, brown, yellow;
physical appearance -tall, short, type of hairstyle;
aspect -imperfect;
verbs -plural endings;
architecture, city, clothes, entrance, old, ornaments, people, restaurant, sidewalk, signs, street, window clothing -shoes, shorts, skirt, socks;
colors -white, blue, brown, black;
restaurant, street sign, winery pastimes -going out to the restaurant;
big/small, building, cars, clouds, columns, dome, monument, pedestrian, people, sky, street architecture;
how-many? -arches, columns, windows;
urban/rural -urban;
numbers -cardinal numbers (in number + noun constructions);
airplane, airport, black, field, to fly, grass, green, man, red, small, white, woman, yellow airplane -parts of an airplane;
pastimes -flying;
transportation -airplane;
weather -cloudy;
army, boots, coat, to guard, hat (rogatywka), insignia, man, necktie, pants, shirt, soldier, to stand, uniform body parts - eyes, head, hands, legs, etc.;
clothing -uniform;
professions -soldier;
plural nouns -eye, ear, arm, etc.;
tense -present;
bag, bald, black, blond, to choose, fat, graffiti, gray, to hold, to look, man, market, merchandise, moustache, narrow, people, to pick, purse, to sell, to shop, stall, to stand, street, to talk, thin, to walk, white, woman clothing -blouse, flowered print, jacket, pants, shirt, skirt, shoes;
occupations -vendor;
physical appearance - bald, fat, thin, wearing a moustache;
shopping -the street market;
urban/rural -urban;
agreement -number agreement, nouns and verbs;
nouns -singular, plural;
grass, high, hiker, landscape, mountain, sky, stones, trees, top, to walk nature;
pastimes -hiking;
seasons -summer;
cakes, (Napoleanka, szarlotka), coffee, cups, dishes, to drink, to eat, napkins, placemats, plates, saucers, to serve, sugar bowl, table, tea, white food -cakes, coffee, tea;
how-many? -cups, saucers, placemats, etc.;
pastimes -going out for coffee/tea;
locatives/spatial relations;
backpack, bandana, bicycle, child, grass, to hang, house, jacket, man, pacifier, pants, rope, sandals, shirt, to sit, summer, swing, to swing, tire, trees, yard colors -black, blue, brown, green, pink;
pastimes -vacation, swinging;
seasons -summer;
sports equipment -bicycle, tire swing;
tense -present;
bench, cafe, chairs, child, cup, fence, flowers, hat, houses, ice cream dish, lamp, man, napkins, napkin holder, Old City (Stare Miasto, Starowka), outside, saucer, shirt, square, stroller, table, umbrella colors -blue (dark, light, navy), brown, green, red, white, yellow;
family -father, son;
pastimes -going to an outdoor cafe;
urban/rural -urban;
plural nouns;
tense -present;
bestman, bride, justice of the piece, maid of honor, dress, flowers, groom, table, suit, witness; clothing -formal cloths;
traditions- a civil wedding;
plural nouns;
directions -left, right;
locatives/spatial relations -next to, near;
plural nouns;
clouds, gloves, hat, hiker, to hike, horizon, jacket, mountains, peaks, sky, snow, woman clothing -winter clothing;
pastimes -hiking;
seasons -winter;
gloves, to grasp, hats, jackets, man, people, scarf, sign, snow, to stand, street, trees, woman clothing -winter clothing;
geography -Zieleniec;
seasons -winter;
weather -cold;
directions -left, right;
locatives/spatial relations -next to, near (accompanied by nouns in genitive case);
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers,one; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, two; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, ten; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, fifty, king, money, new, numbers; culture -money
comparatives: more, less;
bill, coat of arms, coin, crown, king, money, new, numbers, twenty; culture -money;
comparatives: more, less;
movies, number, pink, row, seat, seven, ten, ticket; pastimes -going to the movies;
comparatives: more, less;
bus, letters, number, price, to punch, symbol, ticket, ticket-control, two; transportation -bus, tram, subway;
comparatives: more, less;

animals   adjectives
architecture   agreement
body parts   aspect
buildings   borrowings
celebrations   case
ceremonies   cognates
clothing   comparatives
colors   conditional
culture   directions
family   genitive
food   gerundive adjectives
geography   instrumentals
historical elements   interrogative pronouns
holidays   locatives/spatial relations
house   near/far
how-many?   numbers
landscape   passive
letters   plural nouns
musical instruments   quantities
names   tense
nature   verbs
parts of a car    
physical appearance    
sports equipment    

Grouping Suggestions

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