Combining perceptual modes
In your daily activities, you often use at least two of your senses – sight and hearing – as well as your ability to speak. And so it isn’t so surprising that you do this when it comes to language – successfully recalling a word or an uncommon name by remembering how it is spelled, how it sounds, or by trying to say it.
Think of a particular form as if it were a balloon. To keep it from flying away, you can hold on to it with both hands. You could also attach a string to it and holding onto it that way. Still another way would be to attach one end of the string to the balloon and the other end to your wrist.
Likewise, in order to retrieve a particular form, you may favor one of your senses or rather use:
- a combination of a hands-on approach (by writing it down),
- a visual approach (by conjuring up in your mind what the form looks like), as well as
- an auditory approach (by listening to yourself as you say what you think the form is).
Looking, saying aloud, listening, and picturing forms
Writing forms and saying them aloud |
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center •
331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |
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