Submitted by Pam Harens, Kate Aydin
Students will:
· analyze and synthesize personal information from the PowerPoint presentations and Minnesota demographic and cultural information
· write a class description
Students will:
· compare and contrast each others' family culture with that of Minnesota, in general
· gain better insight into their classmates' cultural identity
Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:
· use the present tense accurately
· construct simple sentences (SVO)
· use personal identification and description vocabulary ser, venir, etcétera
· share information
Language: Content Compatible
Students will:
· indicate agreement or disagreement
· share beliefs, thoughts, and opinions
· use vocabulary specific to discussing culture, both Minnesota-specific and in general
· express likes and dislikes
Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:
· participate cooperatively in the writing process
· integrate peer and teacher feedback to create a final class description
· compare and contrast Minnesota demographics to class demographics
· engage in active participation in a jigsaw activity
· participate as a class in the creation of a written class description
· begin to understand and appreciate the cultural similarities and differences of their classmates
· participate in the creation of a secured class web page
Two 50 minute sessions
· Diagrams/posters created in Lesson 2
· Handouts from Communicative Activity used in Lesson 3 (Attachment 7A and 7B)
· Butcher paper to post school paragraphs
· Students' PowerPoint presentations
· School photos for PowerPoint "front page" that has links to all the student Power Point · PowerPoint software
· Class-generated class description for PowerPoint "front page"
1. After watching all PowerPoint presentations and taking notes, students will do a jigsaw activity. The class will first divide into four groups:
- Group #1 will compare their class' ancestry with that of the top 10 immigrant groups in Minnesota. First, each group will rank the top 10 ancestral nationalities in the class. Then, students will compare these nationalities with those of the top 10 immigrant groups in Minnesota from the "Minnesota" activity (Attachments 7A and 7B). Students will write down the similarities or differences between the class and Minnesota in Spanish.
- Group #2 will examine the products, practices and perspectives described by the students and list which ones are tied to geography, climate and ancestral heritage. Students will write down their findings in Spanish. Students will refer to the diagrams/posters created earlier (Lesson 2) when they first discussed products, practices and perspectives in their families.
- Group #3 will find and list the products, practices and perspectives classmates have in common. Students will write down their findings in Spanish. Students will refer to the diagrams/posters created earlier (same posters as Lesson 2) when they first discussed products, practices and perspectives in their families.
- Group #4 will seek out the less common products, practices and perspectives not shared by many. Students will write down their findings. Students will refer to the diagrams/posters created earlier (same posters as Lesson 2) when they first discussed products, practices and perspectives in their families.
2. After completing their tasks, the students will complete the jigsaw activity by forming new groups with a representative from each of the four original groups creating the new group. Depending on the size of the class, the teacher may choose to have more than one representative from each of the four groups present in the new groups.
The task for these groups is to first share their information from their previous groups and then, by compiling this information, write a brief introductory summary of the class, titled ¿Quiénes somos? This should be written in Spanish. Groups should be sure to include how the students in the class are similar, how they are different and how they compare to Minnesota as a whole.
Groups will write their paragraphs on butcher-block paper and post them on the board/wall.
3. After reading each group's summary as a class, the teacher and students will combine ideas from all groups' writing to create a class composite answer to the question ¿Quiénes somos?
4. All of the students' PowerPoint presentations will be linked together for parents and friends to view. On the "front page" of these PowerPoint presentations, the students' school photos will be used as "buttons" to click on to view student presentations. The class paragraph written in response to the question ¿Quiénes somos? will be included on this "front page" and serve as an introduction to the students.
Informal assessment of group summaries.