Family and Immigrant History
Lesson 04 - Using Internet sources to find missing information on family pedigree chart 

Submitted by Ruthanne Weispfenning


See Lesson 03

See Lesson 03

Language: Content Obligatory
See Lesson 03

Language: Content Compatible
See Lesson 03

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
See Lesson 03

Students will...

  • use prior knowledge to find and access sites on the Internet to help further complete their pedigree charts.
  • share with classmates information and helpful sites they find while working on the Internet as well as coach each other with helpful suggestions.
  • use such skills as skimming, reading selectively, scanning for key words, and refining searches.
  • make rules for themselves to be more efficient accessing information and to avoid being sidetracked.  For example stay focused on one ancestor for whom they have more complete information and work backwards from that person instead of skipping all around their chart.

Time Frame:

4 - 50 minute periods

Materials Needed:

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Using the family pedigree chart begun in Lesson 03 the students will be attempting to complete it using sources beyond living relatives.  Student will visit recommended sites on Internet to find compiled family records.  Compiled records are those that someone, usually a family member, has already started for the family.  For example at one can find a compiled record for the royal families of Great Britain.

Students will keep a record of sites they have visited and note what information they have learned there or whether the site was not helpful and therefore not necessary to be visited again.  Students will continue to describe their family pedigree chart to me in the target language using words for relations and expressing dates properly.


Students will complete a personal pedigree chart at least through living grandparents and extended as much as possible through great grandparents including their record of documentation.  The students will present of their pedigree chart to me in a short interview giving relatives names, their relationship and important dates in the target language as well.

References and Resources:

See Lesson 03


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Internet Research Log - Forschung im Internet Journal