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Vocabulary Items |
Topics |
Grammar Points |
ancient city, historical site, tourist;
hill, sand, stone, desert; |
historical, landscape, distance, tourism, weather, desert area; |
plural, adjective, word order, tanween; |
city, capital, birdview;
wide, flat; |
location, region, area; |
plural, adjective, prepositions; |
ancient city, tourism, architecture;
desert, environment, sand, stone; |
historical, landscape, desert; |
tanween; |
Roman, baths, grass, walls, piers, rocks, ancient, to build, ruins, cite, sky, blue; |
weather, historic, architecture, classical style; |
adjective/number agreement; |
Roman, city, ancient ruins, building, old, rocks, piers, ancient relics; |
historic, architecture, civilization, geography; |
adjective, number, gender agreement; |
Ancient ruins, walls, broken, piers, building, piers, door, tourists, to visit, visitors, architecture; |
tourism, historic, architecture, civilization; |
adjectives, locatives;
behind, above, etc.;
past tense, gender, numbers; |
Roman, capital, ruins, piers, walls, rokcs, mountain, trees, forest, sky, blue; |
architecture, historic, location, geography; |
tense/aspect; |
ruins, walls, piers, old, rocks, Roman, visitors, to visit, broken, grass, plants, trees, beautiful; |
historical, civilization, tourism, geography, pastime |
order, number, noun/adjective agreement, compartive, tense/aspect; |
minaret, wall, roofs, streets, houses, plateau, city, mosque; |
religious, city structure, life style, architecture; |
adjectives, plural, spatial relation, lovatives; |
view, architecture, underground, style, old, touristic, simple, houses, windows, doors, walls, construction materials (sand, stone, etc.), live in town; |
sight seeing, tourism, architecture, lifestyle, historical, modern/traditional; |
adjective, comparative & superlative, tanween;
attached pronouns, number; |
bed, bedroom, traditional, night, reading; wall, shape, carpet, door; |
tradition, housing;
architecture, life style, construction mateials; |
motion verbs, locatives, tense/aspect;
preposition-in, on, at, near; |
mosque, square, courtyard;
holiday, visit, tour; |
religion, tradition; |
idafa constructions, number, how many, plural; |
minaret, mosque, place, location;
high, low, far, near, inside, in the middle of, facing...; |
historical place, location, religion, architecture; |
locative, idafa constructions, number, how many, plural; |
inside, courtyard, museum, entrance, door, water fountain, beautiful; |
Arabesque, architecture, symetric style and pattern; |
number, dual of nouns, adjective, special relationship; |
arch, stone, ruin, ancient, relics; visitors, tour guide, friends, cap, sun-glass, T-shirt; |
history, story, tourism; |
measure words |
mosque, yard, door; |
door, window, steps; materials-stone, paint; |
design, style;
courtyard, path, steps, corridor; |
arabesque, architecture, history, design, art history; |
number, prepositions; |
door, decorative, flowery, beautiful, structure, direction, size; |
Arabesque, color, pattern, style; |
passive participles, noun/adjective agreement, explanative forms; |
museum, gallery, wall, painting, ancient collection; theme, art work; |
museum, historical story, lengend;
artist, period, artistic expression; |
locative, gender agreement, passive participles; |
museum, statue, marble, figure, gesture;
light, color, form, line, curve; |
art, history, period and style; |
adjectives; |
mosque, gate, visitors; |
tradition/modernity, clothes, human relationship; |
number, motion verbs, colors; |
street, vehicles, palm trees, summer, visitors, tourists, residents; |
city, district; weather, season; |
locative, tanween, definiteness; |
carpets, decoration, traditional, shop, sell, market, tourists, style, artistic, colorful; |
colors, handicrafts, art, family business;
how many? |
passive participles, prepositions, adjectives, number, idafa structure (some ..., many ..); |
carpet, structure, size, color, pattern, style;
heavy, light, flowery, red, fabric;
show, introduce, sample, sovenirs, gifts; |
art, handicraftsman, shopping, occupations, tradition, communication; |
possession, separate-attached pronouns, colors, verbs (buying, selling); |
cap, dancing, groom, men, robe, tradition, wedding; |
culture, wedding ceremony, traditional clothing; |
bride, happy, smile, traditional, wedding clothes; |
wedding ceremony, traditional clothes;
colors-red, blue, green
motion verbs, subject-adjective agreement, colors; |
children, covered/uncovered, clothes, house, modern, narrow, street, plants, traditional, happy, walk, wedding, women; |
celebration, tradition, clothing; |
number-plural, gender;
how many; |