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Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs)

The goals of the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Project sponsored by CARLA are to help advance the teaching and learning of LCTLs by: encouraging people to study LCTLs, assisting LCTL teachers in developing high-quality teaching material, and helping LCTL teachers cooperate and communicate.

LCTL_database_mapLocations of Less Commonly Taught Language Programs

Where can you find classes in a less commonly taught language? Search for course offerings at colleges and universities, K-12 programs, distance education courses, study abroad programs, and summer language courses – includes contact information, proficiency levels, availability of courses, and much more. Map your search results by language and by state!

Developing Classroom Materials for Less Commonly Taught Languages

Provides both principles and practical guidelines for LCTL teachers of all levels and languages to transform raw materials into activities for the language classroom. Includes a book and a website with videos.

CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers

Each summer CARLA offers a wide array of professional development opportunities for K-16 language teachers.

CARLA Bibliography

The CARLA bibliography contains more information on publications and presentations by faculty and staff involved in the LCTL project.

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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414