Cultures and Languages
Across the Curriculum (CLAC)
Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) engages languages and intercultural perspectives to provide students with a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of content.
Green German
The Green German Project is a collection of open-access teaching materials and curricular resources related to sustainability and environmental topics. Developed for use by teachers, students, and curriculum designers, its intended audience is German language and culture courses at the intermediate-advanced level. CARLA supported the development of these materials.CLAC Consortium
This consortium of postsecondary institutions is dedicated to promoting the cultures and languages across the curriculum movement through conferences and the sharing of resources. CARLA is an active member of the CLAC Consortium.CLAC Clearinghouse
This online clearinghouse includes samples of CLAC syllabi, assessments, teaching materials, and program descriptions. The clearinghouse promotes sharing of successful CLAC materials and resources to a national audience.CLAC Conferences
The CLAC Consortium has been holding Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum conferences at member institutions since 2004. CARLA hosted the 2012 CLAC conference and published a volume of selected papers from the 2016 CLAC conference.Developing Responsible Global Citizenship Through Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC): Selected Papers from the 2016 CLAC Conference
The essays in this collection are based on presentations given at the Tenth Conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum held in October 2016. The essays represent a broad variety of approaches and facets that illustrate the inherently flexible nature of CLAC's main principle of promoting transformational learning through the integration of content, language, and culture. This is the first printed volume based on presentations given at one of the conferences.
2012 CLAC Conference: Exploring Approaches to Cultures & Languages Across the Curriculum?
Hosted by CARLA in March 2012, the Sixth Annual CLAC? Conference presented a wide variety of models and aspects of post-secondary programs implementing world languages and cultures across the curriculum. The archived conference website includes videos, PPTs, and handouts from the conference.
The essays in this collection are based on presentations given at the Tenth Conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum held in October 2016. The essays represent a broad variety of approaches and facets that illustrate the inherently flexible nature of CLAC's main principle of promoting transformational learning through the integration of content, language, and culture. This is the first printed volume based on presentations given at one of the conferences.
2012 CLAC Conference: Exploring Approaches to Cultures & Languages Across the Curriculum?
Hosted by CARLA in March 2012, the Sixth Annual CLAC? Conference presented a wide variety of models and aspects of post-secondary programs implementing world languages and cultures across the curriculum. The archived conference website includes videos, PPTs, and handouts from the conference.
CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers
Each summer CARLA offers a wide array of professional development opportunities for K-16 language teachers, including institutes focused on culture learning and languages across the curriculum.CARLA Bibliography
The CARLA bibliography has more information on presentations and publications done by faculty, students, and staff involved with this project.