Practical Program Evaluation
In collaboration with ACTFL, CARLA’s Practical Program Evaluation initiative provides a comprehensive approach to evaluation that considers the needs of learners and teachers; the requirements and capacities of administrators, parents, and other stakeholders; the values of the discipline; and the contributions of the program to the local and wider society.
Initiative Background
CARLA has teamed up with ACTFL to provide language educators with professional development and practical resources on program evaluation with a specific focus on teachers of less commonly taught languages (LCTL) and heritage languages, and educators teaching at community colleges (CC), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and Minority Serving Institutions MSI).
Practical Program Evaluation Bibliography
This bibliography includes scholarly articles, chapters, and books on program evaluation in general and specifically for language programs.
Professional Development
This initiative offers several professional development opportunities, incuding a webinar series and an annual CARLA Summer Institute focused on Practical Program Evaluation for Language Educators.
CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers
Each summer CARLA offers a wide array of professional development opportunities for K-16 language teachers.
CARLA Bibliography
The CARLA bibliography contains more information on publications and presentations on Practical Program Evaluation.