Support CARLA!
Language teaching professionals around the world turn to CARLA for inspiration, ideas, and resources.
"Fabulous organizationÑthis felt like a regenerative
gift — I have so many new ideas. Not only for my teaching but
also my research."
"CARLA institutes always exceed my expectations in
that there's no other place to get more cutting-edge, relevant,
rigorous, and practical professional development for language
"Inspiring and revelatory! The summer of professional
transformation - an experience that changed my teaching
and learning views."
"It is clear after attending this institute that CARLA
is THE national leader in Chinese immersion education."
(Immersion 101 for Character-based Languages) "I can't imagine better professional development for
immersion educators. The institute provides research based practical
training by leaders in the field. I am excited to apply what
I've learned in the fall."
(Meeting the Challenges of Immersion Education: Counterbalanced Instruction) "My fears are gone. My nerves are calmed. I am ready
to embark on my mission of teaching Spanish immersion, with
a mind full of knowledge, hands full of activities, and a heart
full of love for my students (and my job!)."
(Immersion 101) "This institute EXCEEDED my expectations! It was so
engaging and my peers were amazing. It was energizing to interact
with so many language teachers."
(Second Language Acquisition Basics for Teachers) "I was happy to walk out of this CARLA institute with
a pocketful of things I'll do immediately in my classroom. The
teachers used great teaching techniques themselves, most notably
spiraling through technology applications again and again until
we were comfortable using them in unique and creative situations."
(Using Technology) "The institute materials were very practical, useful,
and teacher-friendly."
(Developing Materials for Less Commonly Taught Languages) "It was a valuable learning experience — I enjoyed
meeting new colleagues and expanding my network of professional
(Styles-and Strategies-Based Instruction) "CARLA has helped me see through a new 'lens' of culture-based
teaching. Teaching students how to think — not what to think
— is the reason I am a teacher. Creating a global mindset is
essential in learning another language."
(Developing Assessments for the Second Language Classroom) "CBI is really a new teaching approach (vision) to
me. It opened a door for me. My view on FL teaching won't be
the same anymore."
(Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development) "The CARLA institute provided me with a different
point of view when it comes to teaching languages. The instructor
presenters were candid, had a great sense of humor but most
of all were very knowledgeable about the content presented."
(Culture as the Core) "CARLA has provided me with well-researched second
language theories, in a practical manner, so that I am able
to confidently bring my new insights to the classroom and to
my colleagues. Thank you!"
(Developing Learners' Sociocultural Competence) "You will finish with your head spinning, your mind
racing and your heart pounding to try out all that you have
learned in your teaching practices. Warning: a life jacket or
good support system is needed but then again, you'll find that
in the institute's instructors and colleagues. Truly worth the
(Social Networking for Second Language Learning, online CARLA institute) |
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Have you been inspired by a CARLA Summer Institute or conference? Have CARLA's online resources enriched your classroom teaching, or your language program? Would you like to honor a mentor with a contribution?
You can contribute to either the CARLA Directors' Fund or the CARLA Fellows Fund:
- The CARLA's Directors' Fund can be used for CARLA initiatives ranging from graduate student support to hospitality. You may indicate how you wish your contribution to be used, or you may leave it to the discretion of the CARLA Director.
- The CARLA Fellows Fund is used to highlight the scholarship of top graduate students in second language education and provides them with funds to present their research at national conferences.

Click the "Make a Gift" button to donate by credit card. You will be directed to the University of Minnesota Foundation's secure website.
To make a pledge (minimum gift of $250) or to pay by check, download a Gift Form (PDF) and mail it to the address on the form. Make sure to specify your favorite CARLA fund on the form.
All donations are tax-deductible. Unless you choose to donate anonymously, you will receive an email receipt for your credit card donation or an acknowledgement letter for your donation by check. You should retain your confirmation for your tax records.
Thank you for your support of CARLA!