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Vocabulary Items |
Topics |
Grammar Points |
children (4), kitchen, riding, standing, stove, toys |
pastimes -playing |
comparatives: older, younger;
contrast: standing vs. riding |
apartment building, apartment path, clouds, high rises, soccer field, veranda, |
housing -apartments;
urban/rural -urban |
near/far |
baby, crawling, young |
children -baby |
Bergen, Bryggen (Haneatic Wharf), old, ship |
geography - Bergen, cities;
transportation -ship;
buildings -(old style) |
berry-collecting, boys (2), jacket, woman |
pastimes -picking berries |
comparatives: older, younger |
bicycle, bike trailer, kids (2), man |
pastimes -bicycling |
subordinate clause: while... |
boots, boy, car, cards, hat, kitchen, mittens, pants, shirt |
clothing -boots, hat, mittens, pants, shirt;
house -kitchen |
reflexive: å kle på seg 'get oneself dressed' |
birthday, boy, bunad vest, napkin, paper cup, party, sitting, table |
celebration -birthday for kids;
clothing -bunad |
boys (3), kneeling, looking (up), sculpture, stone, Vigeland |
culture -art in public places (Vigeland Park) |
directions: up;
progressive: kneeling and looking;
bread, bread pans, fresh-baked, loaf, waffle iron |
food -bread;
kitchen appliances -waffle iron |
locatives/spatial relations: on top of, next to, in front of |
bread, bread pans, fresh-baked, loaf |
food -bread |
locatives/spatial relations: on top of, next to;
ordering of process/event: making bread |
ashtray, coffee table, dining table, easy chair, fireplace, floor lamp, living room, pillow, sofa |
house -living room |
locatives/spatial relations;
near/far |
boats, boulders, cabin, flag, flag pole, |
urban/rural - rural; seasons -summer |
backpack, cashier, grocery store, man, paying, sign-Norwegian, shopping |
store interior; |
ordering of process/event: shopping, paying |
cheese slicer, goat's cheese (geitost) |
food -goat's cheese;
kitchen utensils -cheese-slicer |
boots, boy, coat, clothing, hat, mittens, snow, winter |
clothing -boots, coat, hat, mittens;
pastimes -playing in snow;
seasons -winter |
ordering of process/event: getting dressed, going outside |
children (3), playing, pond |
pastimes -playing |
ax, coat of arms, crown, lion |
politics -official symbols |
coloring, coloring book, girls (2), paper, pencil, school, smile, table, teeth (missing teeth) |
school activities -coloring;
school -pre-school; |
cardinal numbers;
cows, fence, farm, farm buildings, grass |
animals -cow (domestic);
how many? -cows;
urban/rural -rural; |
books, bookcase, coffee cups, dining room, formal, guests, lamp, men (2), table, tablecloth, wine, wine bottle, wine glasses, women (3 ) |
clothing -suit coat, tie, formal (not casual) dress
how-many? -cups, glasses, people;
pastimes -entertaining friends; |
doll, eyes, red color, white |
colors -red, white;
how-many? -dolls |
country, Europe, map, names of European countries, Norway |
geography -Europe |
directions -north, south, east, west |
folk, hardangerfele, Hardanger fiddle, instrument, music |
culture -folk, traditional;
music -folk, traditional |
dock, fish, fisher, hat, man, ocean |
occupations -fishing |
clouds, fjord, heather, road, sky |
landscape |
boy, chair, goats, petting, rocks |
animals -goat (domestic) |
cardinal numbers;
plural; |
intercity express, lights, number, tracks, train |
transportation -train, express |
freezer, grocery store, man, price, shopping , signs |
shopping -buying groceries;
cheese, food, grocery store, price,shopping, signs, woman |
shopping -buying groceries;