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NLRC Activities 1993-1996

Second Language Learning Strategies

The Learning Strategies team worked on a number of research and professional development projects for foreign language educators involving Strategies-Based Instruction (SBI). From 1993-1996, the team:

  • Conducted research on the impact of SBI on speaking proficiency;
  • Created teacher development courses on SBI for secondary and post-secondary teachers;
  • Provided individual consultation on strategies-based instruction to students and teachers at the University of Minnesota and other institutions;
  • Produced a teacher-training manual and accompanying videotape on SBI for use in foreign language classrooms and workshop settings;
  • Created and conducted a one-week summer study institute to train high school and university foreign language teachers on the implementation of SBI in the classroom;
  • Disseminated information on SBI through national and international conference presentations, publications in professional journals and books, and the publication of The Network of Styles and Strategies in Language Acquisition (NeSSLA) Report, an international newsletter designed to provide a forum for information on learning styles and strategies.

Project Coordinator: Andrew Cohen

Visit the Second Language Learning Strategies page to learn more about these initiatives.


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414