CARLA Bibliography Search Results
407 Records found in Series
Potowski, K. (2012, September 26). “Transnational youth in Oaxaca: Linguistic and educational explorations.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Ruf, H. T. (2012, March 29). “‘Sounding more German’: The impact of study abroad on fronting tendencies in writing.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Soneson, H., & Wooldridge, S. (2012, February 15). “Impact of study abroad on advanced oral and written skill development in French.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Sun, L. (2012, April 18). “Language footprints: A representative sampling of language experiences in the university community.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Wolfram, W. (2012, November 2). “Diversity awareness in language learning: A proactive model.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Barnes-Karol, G., & Broner, M. (2011, April 27). “Using images as springboards to teach cultural perspectives: A preliminary look at classroom data.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Hermes, M. (2011, November 3). “Ojibwemodaa! A multimedia window into Ojibwe language revitalization.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Horri, S. (2011, February 8). “‘Foreign Language Activities’ in Japanese public elementary schools: A critical analysis of the New Language Education Policy.” CARLA Fellow Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Johnshoy, M., & Ruesch, A. (2011, October 26). “Teaching technology online: Challenges and successes.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Kautz, B., Melin, C., & Oberlin, A. (2011, October 13). “Developing resources for Green German Studies.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Leach, D. (2011, April 13). “Electronic portfolios: Reflective learning in the digital age.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Lentz, U., Berg, G., & Stockman, A. (2011, February 22). "Update on the Minneapolis Public Schools’ Arabic and Chinese extended sequence (ACES) project." Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Mougel, P. (2011, March 24). “From communicative competence to integrated language and cultural competence: Bridging proficiency levels and disciplines.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Pettit, N. (2011, November 21). “Integrating language and culture in the classroom.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Rambow, A. (2011, April 20). “Deconstructing ESL: Exploring the consequences of an institutional category.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Scully, P. (2011, March 9). “The pedagogy of improvisation: Teaching our learners to express meaning.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Tarone, E. (2011, September 28). “An introduction to CARLA.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Willms, M. (2011, May 4). “Learner language in dyadic telecollaboration.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Yoon, S. (2011, January 25). “Challenges of teaching pragmatics to foreign language learners: The Korean example.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Alexio, M. B., Hansen, S., & Horii, S. Y. (2010, October 13). “Navigating ethical dilemmas of educational research with immigrant populations as novice researchers: Sharing graduate students’ experiences.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Bigelow, M. (2010, November 9). “The policies and politics of educating refugee adolescents.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Clementi, D. (2010, April 6). “Teacher-talk and student-talk in L1 and L2: What’s the balance?” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Dagenais, D. (2010, October 22). “Exploring the local linguistic landscape through language awareness activities.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Eisen, S., Baker, P., & Dudzinski, C. (2010, October 28). “Going global: Internationalizing education for the 21st century.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Fortune, T. W., & Menke, M. (2010, April 22). “Struggling learners and language immersion education.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |