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A World of Languages - Brouchure Resources

General References

Alaska Department of Education & Early Development. World Languages Framework.Website

Berg, G. Why Study a Foreign Language? Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Public Schools, Teacher and Instructional Services. Website

Commissioner of Official Languages. (1996). "Second-Language Instruction: Part of the Landscape" in Commissioner of Official Languages Annual Report 1996. Ottawa, Ontario: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

Curtain, H. (1990). Foreign Language Learning: An Early Start. ERIC Digest. Washington DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Website

Department of Foreign Languages and Humanities. Foreign Languages and Your Career. Eastern Kentucky Universit. Website

Hoch. F. and Morris, B. North Carolina, State Board of Education, Department of Public Instruction, Second Languages. Website

Marcos, K. The Benefits of Early Language Learning. ERIC/CLL Resource Guides Online. Washington: D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistic. Website

President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies. (1979). Strength through Wisdom: A Critique of U.S. Capability
Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office.

U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of International Trade. Website

Wilcox, S. & Wilcox, P. (1997). Learning to See: Teaching American Sign Language as a Second Language. Gaullaudet University Press.


References for Minnesota College Language Requirements

Based on information for 2002-3

St. Cloud State University

University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota, Duluth

University of St. Thomas


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