This website was designed and created by Dr. Andrew D. Cohen, Professor in Second Language Studies at the University of Minnesota, and Angela Pinilla-Herrera, a doctoral student in Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Minnesota. This project has received financial support from the federally-funded Learning Resource Center through the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) and from a College of Liberal Arts Technology Grant at the University of Minnesota
We could not have done this without the help of many others. Here we would like to thank all who have contributed to this project:
- The Spanish students and nonnative instructors who shared the grammar strategies featured in this webpage.
- The staff at CARLA, especially Christopher Brandsey and Marlene Johnshoy for their web support.
- Dr. Elaine Tarone, the director of CARLA, for her positive support of this project.
- Dr. Rebecca Oxford, who −as the national advisor to the project− spent many hours reviewing the site prior to and during two visits to the University of Minnesota. Her expertise, insights, and suggestions both in the design and construction of the website and in editing its content were invaluable.
- Kristin Powell and Angela George for their contributions to the preparation of strategy data for the website and for their time spent copyediting.
- Jonathan Thompson for assistance in collecting usability data on the website in the summer of 2008, and both Thompson and Lance Witzig for their assistance in evaluating the students’ experiences with the website in Spring semester of 2009.
- The students of Spanish at the University of Minnesota who used the website and offered valuable feedback.
- The Spanish instructors at the University of Minnesota who answered the Problematic Grammar for Learners of Spanish Online Survey – Teacher Version and gave us access to their classes.
- All of the students whose pictures appear in the webpage and those who answered the Problematic Grammar for Learners of Spanish Online Survey – Student Version.
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center •
331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 |
Contact CARLA