Do you ever feel like you just can’t make a decision: What to wear in the morning, what to eat for breakfast, which classes to take next semester? This feeling of uncertainty or lack of clarity can be expressed in Spanish by means of the subjunctive mood.
The subjunctive mood can be among the hardest verb forms for native English speakers to learn because there isn’t an explicit verb form for it in English. Learning how and when to use subjunctive forms in Spanish takes a lot of practice.
Before learning when to use it, you have to learn how to use it. The following strategies from fellow Spanish learners might help you with these challenging verb forms.
How to form the subjunctive
Two rhymes
How to remember the irregular subjunctive forms
A chant
When to use the subjunctive
Subjunctive vs. indicative
Linking mood of verb to weather
Distinguishing between known information and new information in adverbial clauses with aunque
Paying attention to the meaning of expressions
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