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Seventh International Conference on Immersion
& Dual Language Education:

Transforming Communities Through Multilingualism

February 6–9, 2019
Charlotte, North Carolina

The Seventh International Conference on Immersion & Dual Language Education held February 6–9 in Charlotte, North Carolina, was a great success! Over 980 educators participated in the conference which began with school visits to eight DLI programs in Charlotte-Mecklenberg, followed by 18 pre-conference workshops, and then two days filled with 120 engaging sessions and invited symposia organized around five conference themes: (1) pedagogy and assessment, (2) culture, identity, and community, (3) program design and evaluation, (4) policy, advocacy, and communication, and (5) professional preparation and learning. There was much excitement and enthusiasm as educators and researchers including those involved in one-way world language, two-way bilingual, and indigenous revitalization immersion programs exchanged ideas and practices.

Featured Speakers

Putting the Puzzle Pieces of Bilingual Language Learning Together:
Lessons from First-, Second-, and Bilingual Language Acquisition

Presenter: Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole, Ph.D., Florida International University

The Urgent Need for Authentic Communication in Every Lesson
Presenter: Jeff Zwiers, Ph.D., Stanford Graduate School of Education

The 21st Century School:  How and Why Dual Language Works for Everyone, PK-12
David Rogers, Executive Director, Dual Language Education of New Mexico
Wilma Valero, former Director of English Learner Programs for U-46 Community School District, IL
Dr. Jennifer Steele, American University
Dr. Joan Lachance, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Michael Rodríguez, Director of Operations, Dual Language Education of New Mexico

Mom, They Do Know We're (American) Indian, Right?
Presenter: Susan C. Faircloth, Ph.D., Colorado State University

Education Policy at the International, National, State, and Local District Level
Bill Rivers, Ph.D., Joint National Committee for Languages - National Council for Languages and International Studies
Cristina Banfi, Minister of Education – Argentina

Program Schedule

Search the program by presenter, strand, or keyword

Conference Planning Committee

Conference Co-chairs
Helga Fasciano, Retired NC Department of Public Instruction
Joan Lachance, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Marjorie Ringler, East Carolina University

Planning Committee Members
Charles Aiken, Pender County Schools, North Carolina
Ivanna Anderson, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Michael Bacon, Portland County Schools, Oregon
Tom Bulla, Union County Schools, North Carolina
Kristin Davin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina
Tara Fortune, CARLA, University of Minnesota
Hartwell Francis, Kituwah Preservation & Education Program, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Lynn Fulton-Archer, Delaware Department of Education
Nicolette Grant, Guilford County Schools, North Carolina
Ann Marie Gunter, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Lisa Harris, Virginia Department of Education
Mandy Menke, University of Minnesota
Dawn Samples, Lexington School District 1, South Carolina
Jon Valentine, Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia
Ofelia Wade, Utah State Board of Education

Conference Administrative Team

Kc Kasserman, Conference Director
Danielle Rivenbark and Jolie Busby, East Carolina University Office of Continuing & Professional Education

CARLA is genuinely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate on this conference with our partners in North Carolina. We are especially grateful for the leadership team's commitment to sustaining the original vision of this unique conference: to build bridges between researchers and practitioners who are committed to additive bilingual education that serves learners from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds using a variety of DLI models.


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