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American Council on Immersion Education

The American Council on Immersion Education (ACIE) served as an organizational network for individuals interested in immersion education (teachers, administrators, teacher educators, researchers, parents) beginning in spring 1997. Conceived by immersion teachers in Minnesota and funded in part by the Language Resource Center in the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota, ACIE facilitated communication among immersion teachers and others interested in immersion education for nearly fifteen years and published the ACIE Newsletter. 

With cuts to funding beginning in 2011, ACIE was not able to make its planned transition to an online journal for immersion practitioners and the decision was made to suspend enrolling new members. We thank all of those who actively supported this unique member organization for so long! 

Immersion project activities remain strong at CARLA; we will continue to offer summer institutes for immersion teachers, sponsor conferences on immersion education, and maintain a treasure trove of resources for immersion teachers. 

ACIE Newsletter Article Archive 
This archive contains select articles of past ACIE issues from November 1997 (Vol. 1, No. 1) to May 2011 (Vol. 14, No. 2). We invite you to explore this visible and lasting contribution of the American Council on Immersion Education.











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