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Dual Language and
Immersion Family Education


The Dual Language and Immersion Family Education program was developed by a team* of Dual Language and Immersion (DLI) educators from the University of Minnesota and teacher contributors from surrounding school districts. It is supported by a United States Department of Education grant from the Office of English Language Acquisition.   

The DLI Family Education program is made up of two components:

  • a series of four face-to-face sessions for families, facilitated by bilingual educators and covering four topics:
    • Dual Language and Immersion Basics
    • Bilingualism and Biliteracy
    • Challenges of Dual Language and Immersion Education
    • College and Career Opportunities

The Dual Language and Immersion Family Education program provides guidelines and materials for family education professionals interested in implementing this program in their own schools or school districts.


*Dual Language and Immersion Family Education Project Development Team


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