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Dual Language and Immersion Family Education - Educator Materials & Family Resources

Information for DLI Parent Educators

Guidelines for Implementation of Dual Language and Immersion Family Education

The face-to-face sessions were piloted over a two-year period and the following recommendations are based on observations, facilitators' feedback and parent surveys.  They reflect what we consider to be Best Practice in this area of family education.

While much of the information presented in the PowerPoints is applicable to other dual language and immersion (DLI) contexts (one-way, development bilingual and indigenous/heritage), this program was designed for two-way DLI programs and the following suggestions are based on our experiences within that context.

  1. A two-way DLI family education program should reflect the same goals that we have for our students:  two linguistically and culturally diverse groups coming together to learn with and from each other. To this end, sessions should be offered in a bilingual format.  One possibility is to alternate sessions between English and the partner language as the primary language of instruction. However, the facilitators should be prepared to move seamlessly between the two languages as the need arises, while at the same time refrain from translating word for word.
  2. Facilitators must have strong language skills in both languages and be knowledgeable about DLI.  Ideally there would be two facilitators, especially if the number of participants is larger than one table.  
  3. For each session there is one PowerPoint presentation in English and another in the partner language.  It is most effective to present with two projectors, displaying the presentations side-by-side. There is also a set of handouts in each language to accompany the PowerPoints. Thus, if the primary language used for the session is Spanish or Hmong, English-speaking parents can follow along with the PowerPoint handout, which includes the slides with corresponding speaker notes.
  4. Recruitment and registration procedures should reflect cultural norms of both groups of families.   We found that follow-up phone calls and person-to-person contact were more effective than emails with our Latinx and Hmong families.
  5. Sessions should be scheduled at a time when most families are likely to be able to attend.
    1. We scheduled evening sessions starting at 5:30 with a light dinner for families, followed by the workshop from 6:00-8:00. Daycare was provided and transportation was offered to families needing it.
    2. Most of our participating districts scheduled either four sessions once a week for four consecutive weeks or two sessions per week for two consecutive weeks.  Families should be strongly encouraged to attend all four sessions.
  6. We recommend that short surveys be distributed at the end of each session for participants to offer feedback. The surveys we used are provided.
  7. We recommend that the final session end with a celebration. We offered a celebratory cake, and those participants who attended all four sessions were awarded a special certificate of achievement.


Materials for Dual Language and Immersion Family Education

We appreciate your interest in the Dual Language and Immersion Family Education program and are happy to share these materials with you. ​Please read the following guidelines for using our content:  ​

  1. The University of Minnesota maintains copyright of all content and all users of this material should recognize the University of Minnesota program development team during the presentations.
  2. You may use, without written permission, the PowerPoint presentations and all accompanying materials.
  3. You may modify the materials to reflect your language and educational context.  
  4. You must provide appropriate attribution for any additional content, graphics or images that you might add.

Educator Materials:

All materials are in Word (docx), PDF, or PowerPoint (PPT) format. You will need Acrobat Reader or PowerPoint to open them.


Spanish K-5 Materials

Session / doc type  PowerPoint Presentations PowerPoint Handouts
for Parents

BIlingual Activity Sheets   Parent Surveys
(exit slips)
Session 1:
DLI Basics

(all Session 1 files zipped)
Sp_PPT1_Handout (docx)
Sp_PPT1_Handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT1_Handout (docx)
Eng_PPT1_Handout (pdf)
Sp_PPT1_script (docx)
Sp_PPT1_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT1_script (docx)
Eng_PPT1_script (pdf)
Bingo (docx)
Bingo (pdf)
(see also Bingo ppt)
TicTacToe (docx)
TicTacToe (pdf)
TicTacToe_XO (docx)
TicTacToe_XO (pdf)
Sp_S1_Survey (docx)
Sp_S1_survey (pdf)
Eng_S1_Survey (docx)
Eng_S1_survey (pdf)
Session 2: Bilingualism / Biliteracy

(all session 2 files zipped)
Sp_PPT2_Handout (docx)
Sp_PPT2_Handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT2_Handout (docx)
Eng_PPT2_Handout (pdf)
Sp_PPT2_script (docx)
Sp_PPT2_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT2_script (docx)
Eng_PPT2_script (pdf)
5Stages (docx)
5Stages (pdf)
Match-up (docx)
Match-up (pdf)
SP_S2_Survey (docx)
Sp_2_survey (pdf)
Eng_S2_Survey (docx)
Eng_S2_survey (pdf)
Session 3: DLI Challenges

(all Session 3 files zipped)
Sp_PPT3_Handout (docx)
Sp_PPT3_Handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT3_Handout (docx)
Eng_PPT3_Handout (pdf)

Sp_PPT3_script (docx)
Sp_PPT3_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT3_script (docx)
Eng_PPT3_script (pdf)
MissingWords (docx)
MissingWords (pdf)
Sp_S3_Survey (docx)
Sp_S3_survey (pdf)
Eng_S3_Survey (docx)
Eng_S3_survey (pdf)
Session 4: College / Careers

(all Session 4 files zipped)
Sp_PPT4_Handout (docx)
Sp_PPT4_Handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT4_Handout (docx)
Eng_PPT4_Handout (pdf)
Sp_PPT4_script (docx)
Sp_PPT4_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT4_script (docx)
Eng_PPT4_script (pdf)
(see Jeopardy ppt) Sp_S4_Survey (docx)
Sp_S4_survey (pdf)
Eng_S4_Survey (docx)
Eng_S4_survey (pdf)

Spanish 6-12 Materials - Supporting Students in Secondary Programs Parts I & II

 Session / doc type PowerPoint Presentations PowerPoint Handouts
for Parents

BIlingual Activity Sheets   Parent Surveys
(exit slips)
Session 1

(all Session 1 files zipped)
Handout_ppt1_Sp (docx)
Handout_ppt1_Sp (pdf)
Handout_ppt1_Eng (docx)
Handout_ppt1_Eng (pdf)
Script_ppt1_Sp (docx)
Script_ppt1_Sp (pdf)
Script_ppt1_Eng (docx)
Script_ppt1_Eng (pdf)
Bingo (docx)
Bingo (pdf)
(see also Bingo ppt)
Survey1_Sp (docx)
Survey1_Sp (pdf)
Survey1_Eng (docx)
Survey1_Eng (pdf)
Session 2

(all Session 2 files zipped)
Handout_ppt2_Sp (docx)
Handout_ppt2_Sp (pdf)
Handout_ppt2_Eng (docx)
Handout_ppt2_Eng (pdf)
Script_ppt2_Sp (docx)
Script_ppt2_Sp (pdf)
Script_ppt2_Eng (docx)
Script_ppt2_Eng (pdf)
  Survey2_Sp (docx)
Survey2_Sp (pdf)
Survey2_Eng (docx)
Survey2_Eng (pdf)

Hmong K-5 Materials

 Session / type PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint Handouts
for Parents

BIlingual Activity Sheets   Parent Surveys
(exit slips)

Session 1

(all Session 1 files zipped)
Hm_PPT1_handout (docx)
Hm_PPT1_handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT1_handout (docx)
Eng_PPT1_handout (pdf)
Hm_PPT1_script (docx)
Hm_PPT1_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT1_script (docx)
Eng_PPT1_script (pdf)
Bingo (docx)
Bingo (pdf)
(see also Bingo ppt)
TicTacToe (docx)
TicTacToe (pdf)
TicTacToe_XO (docx)
TicTacToe_XO (pdf)
Eng_S1_survey (docx)
Eng_S1_survey (pdf)

Session 2

(all Session 2 files zipped)
Hm_PPT2_handout (docx)
Hm_PPT2_handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT2_handout (docx)
Eng_PPT2_handout (pdf)
Hm_PPT2_script (docx)
Hm_PPT2_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT2_script (docx)
Eng_PPT2_script (pdf)
5Stages (docx)
5Stages (pdf)
Match-up (docx)
Match-up (pdf)
Eng_S2_survey (docx)
Eng_S2_survey (pdf)

Session 3

(all Session 3 files zipped)
Hm_PPT3_handout (docx)
Hm_PPT3_handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT3_handout (docx)
Eng_PPT3_handout (pdf)
Hm_PPT3_script (docx)
Hm_PPT3_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT3_script (docx)
Eng_PPT3_script (pdf)
MissingWords (docx)
MissingWords (pdf)
Eng_S3_survey (docx)
Eng_S3_survey (pdf)

Session 4

(all Session 4 files zipped)
Hm_PPT4_handout (docx)
Hm_PPT4_handout (pdf)
Eng_PPT4_handout (docx)
Eng_PPT4_handout (pdf)
Hm_PPT4_script (docx)
Hm_PPT4_script (pdf)
Eng_PPT4_script (docx)
Eng_PPT4_script (pdf)
(see Jeopardy ppt) Eng_S4_survey (docx)
Eng_S4_survey (pdf)

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