Family Resources - Hmoob
Qhov Chiv Ntawm Kev Kawm Ob Hom Lus
Cov ntsiab lus, kev tseem ceeb, thiab kev muaj nuj nqi ntawn kev kawm ob hom lus (DLI).Goals and key features of Dual Language and Immersion Education (DLI).
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Vim li cas yuav tsum muaj qhia lus Hmoob nyob rau peb cov tsev kawm ntawv- xws li Kev Qhia Ob Hom Lus? Why it's important to have Hmong language taught in public schools - Hmong Immersion Program Cov xibfwb qhia lus Hmoob nyob rau Sacramento, California pom tau hais tias thaum lawv cov tub ntxhais paub lus Hmoob thiab Askiv, lawv kawm tau ntawv zoo tshaj. Lawv tuaj saib xyuas cov tsev kawm ntawv nyob rau xeev Minnesota tuaj kawm mus txhawb lawv txoj kev qhia ob hom lus. Hmong Teachers from Sacramento, California are finding that having a Hmong immersion program in their school helps students do better overall. They are following schools in Minnesota as examples for their dual language program. |
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Hmong Culture and Language Program Qhov program qhia txog Hmoob Kab Lis Kev Cai thiab Lus Hmoob pab qhia peb cov tub nxhais hluas txog Hmoob keeb kwm thiab qhia tias lawv yog leej twg. Peb qhia lus Hmoob, kev ua noj, txuj ci, tej nkauj, kev seev cev, thiab tej yam uas tseem ceeb rau peb cov Hmoob. Thaum peb qhia txog tej no, peb siv lus Hmoob los qhia rau cov me tub me nyuam. The Hmong Culture and Language Program helps to teach children and youth about their cultural roots and heritage. It teaches language, cooking, crafts, songs, dances, and numerous other things of cultural significance to the Hmong culture. Classes are taught in the Hmong language. |
Kev Paub Hais, Nyeem, Thiab Sau Ob Hom Lus
Txoj kev kawm ob hom lus zoo li cas;Yog koj hnov cov lus cuav hais txog cov tub ntxhais kawm ob hom lus es koj puas paub yuav tes li cas.
Cov Tswv Yim Rau Cov Niam Txiv – Tips for parents Ib daim ntawv rau cov niam txiv uas muaj me nyuam nyob qib Pre-K txog Qib 3. A downloadable handout, for parents of children in pre-K through grade 3. |
Kev Qhia Hmoob Kab Lis Kev Cai thiab Lus Hmoob Hmong Culture and Language Program Qhov program qhia txog Hmoob Kab Lis Kev Cai thiab Lus Hmoob pab qhia peb cov tub nxhais hluas txog Hmoob keeb kwm thiab qhia tias lawv yog leej twg. Peb qhia lus Hmoob, kev ua noj, txuj ci, tej nkauj, kev seev cev, thiab tej yam uas tseem ceeb rau peb cov Hmoob. Thaum peb qhia txog tej no, peb siv lus Hmoob los qhia rau cov me tub me nyuam. The Hmong Culture and Language Program helps to teach children and youth about their cultural roots and heritage. It teaches language, cooking, crafts, songs, dances, and numerous other things of cultural significance to the Hmong culture. Classes are taught in the Hmong language. |
Hmong Community Resources Hmong Organizations in Minnesota, in particular, Hmong Cultural Center, with over 300 colorful storybooks written in both Hmong and English. |
Hmong Resources Ib co kev kawm thiab kev txhawb rau cov niam txiv Hmoob. A variety of learning-related resources for Hmong parents. |
Kev Sib Tham Muaj Nuj Nqis – "Conversations Make a Difference" Nrog me nyuam tham thiab mloog lawv hais yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau lawv txoj kev kawm nyeem ntawv thiab sau ntawv... |
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Language as a Right and Resource in MN (Hmong language) Daim video no qhia txog txoj tias nyob rau Minnesota, kev kawm yus yam lus yog ib txoj cai yus muaj thiab qhia tias muaj nuj nqi npaum li cas. Kev txawj kev ntse yeej yog kev paub ntau hom lus thiab. This video shows how language is a right and resource in Minnesota, and how the path toward education justice includes multilingualism. |
Npaj Nyeemthiab Sau Ntawv – "Helping Children Get Ready to Read and Write" Qhov zoo tshaj uas yus yuav txhawb tau nws lub hlwb los ntawm kev xyaum hais lus, nyeem thiab sau ntawv yog ib qho yus muaj peevxeemqhia ua nrog kev lomzem txhua txhua hnub yus tu nws thiab nrog nws nyob. |
Ntsiab Lus Pab Menyuam Kom Zoo Siab Lawv Thiaj Mob Siab Ua Yam Zoo – "Rethinking the Brain" Qhov zoo tshaj uas yus yuav pab tau yus cov menyuam thaum lawv tseem yau kom kawm tau ntawv zoo yog nrog tham hais lus luag ntxhis rau lawv thiab tu lawv. |
Phau Ntawv Taw Qhia Rau Tsev Neeg - Reading Rockets Family Guide Phau Qhia Tsev Neeg no yog tsim los ua khub nrog Reading Rockets literacy project. |
Kev Nyuab Los Ntawm Kev Kawm Ob Hom Lus
Some challenges that students (and parents!) may face on the pathway to bilingualismKev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb: kuv yuav tau paub dab tsi? - Special Education: What Do I Need to Know? Daim video no ntev li 37 feeb, nws qhia txog txoj kev kawm ntawv tshwj xeeb (Special Education) kom los pab cov niam txiv. Nws piav txog tias Kev Kawm Ntawv Tshwj Xeeb yog dab tsi, ua li cas ib tug me nyuam thiaj li txais tau txoj kev pab no, niam txiv txoj hauj lwm yog dab tsi, thiab yuav ua li cas yog tias muaj kev tsis sib haum nrog tsev kawm ntawv. 2009. Daim video tsim los ntawm lub koom haum PACER Center, los ntawm ib pob nyiaj txiag tom Minnesota Department of Education. A 37 minute audio/video (translated into Hmong) overview of special education created to help parents of children with disabilities understand what special education is, how a child might get into special education, how to resolve disagreements, and what role parents play. 2009. Developed by PACER Center, it is funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education. |
Pab Koj Tus Me Nyuam Kawm Ntawv Kom Zoo: Lus Hmoob Lub hom phiaj ntawm 4 daim video no yog los pab nej, cov ua niam ua txiv kom los pab txhawb nej cov me nyuam kom txawj nyeem ntawv thiab kawm tau ntawv.
The goal of this 4-part series is to help you, the parent of a child with or without a disability, help your child succeed at school and improve his or her reading skills.
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Kev paub tab ntawm qhov hnov thiab hais lus |
Kuv tsis yog Hmoob thiab kuv tsis paub hais lus Mev! This blog post is not specific to DLI, but in it a mother speaks about the challenge of raising her children within the Hmong language and culture. |
Pacer Center: Champions of Children with Disabilities PACER offers bilingual workshops, individual assistance and translated publications focusing on issues facing families from diverse backgrounds. The publications on this site are in English and have also been translated into Hmong. |
Parents’ Homework Dictionary The Parent's homework Dictionary is designed to empower parents with knowledge to help their children succeed in school. This book is self-contained for grades Kindergarten into high school. Each chapter delivers an easy to follow explanation with easy to understand examples in all the major subject areas (Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies). Distributed by Sunbelt Publications - from and other sellers. |
Kev Npaj Kawv Ntawv Qib Siab Thiab Txoj Kev Ua Hauj Lwm
College credit in a variety of ways and many different jobs, careers and other enriching opportunities for dual language speakers. |
Pib Koj Lub Neej Rau Yav Pem Suab Students explain the various options for dual credit in Minneapolis Public Schools. Not specific to dual language immersion, but students are all bilingual. |
20 Txoj Hauj Lwm Zoo Tshaj Plaws Uas Tau Siv Lus Hmoob (Tab tom txais!) 20 Best Hmong jobs (Hiring Now!) | Simply Hired |
Hmong American Partnership HAP lub hom phiaj yog los pab peb haiv neeg Hmoob kom muaj zog thiab vam meej raws li siab xav. HAP's mission is to empower the community to embrace the strengths of our cultures while achieving our potential. |