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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 83 matching records for: Indigenous

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Hermes, M. (2007). Moving toward the language: Reflections on teaching in an indigenous-immersion school. Journal of American Indian Education, 46(3), 54–71.
Hermes, M., Bang, M., & Marin, A. (2012). Designing indigenous language revitalization. Harvard Educational Review, 82(3), 381–402.
Hohepa, M. K. (2013). Educational leadership and indigeneity: Doing things the same, differently. American Journal of Education, 119.
Indian Education Demonstration Grant Program. (2007). Ho-Chunk Nation school readiness project. Ho-Chunk Nation.
Johnston, B. & Johnson, K. A. (2002). Preschool immersion education for indigenous languages: A survey of resources. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 26(2), 107–123.
Jones, G. E. (1991). Aspects of the linguistic competence of Welsh immersion program pupils. In K. Herberts, & C. Lauren (Eds.), Multilingualism in the Nordic countries and beyond (pp. 204–212). Vaasa, Finland: The Sixth Nordic Conference on Bilingualism.
Jourdain, G. (2013). Iskigamizige-Giizis: Evaporating liquids moon. (Unpublished Dissertation). University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Kawai’ae’a, K. K. C., Housman, A. K. (Kaina), & Alencastre, M. (Ka’awa). (2007). Pü’ä i ka ’Ölelo , Ola ka ’Ohana : Three Generations of Hawaiian Language Revitalization. Hulili Jouranl: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Wellbeing, 4(1), 183–237.
King, K. (2009). Language loss and revitalization: Ten things we know. CARLA Lunchtime Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
LaFortune, R. (n.d.). Minnesota legislature passes resolution supporting Ojibwe and Dakota language revitalization.
LaFortune, R. (2003). Living water: A cooperative mapping project for native communities & language revitalization. Minneapolis, MN: Heart of the Earth, Inc.
Lino, T. K. (2010). The relationship of a culturally relevant and responsive learning environment to achievement motivation for native Hawaiian secondary students (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
Little Finger, L. (2008). Lakota circle village language learning center and culture camp: Master planning document. Retrieved from
Lokepa-Guerrero, N. (2008). Raising a child in the Punana Leo. Exchange: The early childhood leaders' magazines since 1978, 181, 30–32.
Luning, R. & Yamauchi, L. A. (2010). The influences of indigenous heritage language education on students and families in a Hawaiian language immersion program. Heritage Language Journal, 7(2), 46–75.
MacGregor-Mendoza, P. (2000). Aquí no se habla español: Stories of linguistic repression in Southwest schools. Bilingual Research Journal, 24(4), 333–345.
May, S. (2013). Indigenous immersion education: International developments. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language education, 1(1), 34–69.
May, S. (2013). Indigenous immersion education. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 1(1), 34–69.
May, S., Hill, R., & Tiakiwai, S. (2004). Bilingual/Immersion education: Indicators of good practice. Education counts. Retrieved from
McCarty, T. L., & Watahomigie, L. J. (1998). Indigenous community-based language education in the USA. Language, Culture, and Curriculum, 11(3), 309–324.


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