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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 83 matching records for: Indigenous

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McInnes, B. (2013). Saving culture through language: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of Ojibwe language immersion educator experience. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, 1–19.
McIvor, O. (2005). Building of nests: Indigenous language revitalization in Canada through early childhood immersion programs (Doctoral dissertation). University of Victoria, Canada.
Meaney, T., Trinick, T., & Fairhall, U. (2013). One size does NOT fit all: Achieving equity in Maori mathematics classrooms. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(1), 235–263.
Mhathuna, M. M. (2008). Supporting children's participation in second-language stories in an Irish-language preschool. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 28(3), 299–309.
Monastersky, R. (2004). Talking a language back from the brink: Hawaiian professors band together to revive the islands’ dying native tongue. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51(16), 8A. Retrieved from
Morcom, L. A., Roy, S. (2017). Is early immersion effective for Aboriginal language acquisition? A case study from an Anishinaabemowin kindergarten. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-13. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1281217
Naidoo, K. (2012). Speech language assessments in Te Reo in a primary school Māori immersion unit. Kairaranga, 13(1), 63–68.
Naidoo, K. (2012). Speech language assessments in Te Reo in a primary school Maori immersion unit (Unpublished research paper). University of Waikato, New Zealand.
National Institute for Literacy, & Bureau of Indian Affairs. (2005). Improving academic performance among American Indian, Alaska Native, & Native Hawaiian students: Assessment & identification of learning & learning disabilities. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Nijhuis, M. (2003). Tribal talk. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from
No’eau Warner, S. L. (1999). Kuleana: The right, responsibility, and authority of indigenous peoples to speak and make decisions for themselves in language and cultural revitalization. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 30(1), 68–93.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Service. (2005, March 16-18). Improving academic performance among American Indian, Alaska Native, & Native Hawaiian students: Assessment & identification of learning & learning disabilities. Workshop presented at Santa Fe, New Mexico.
OLaoire, M. (2005). Bilingualism in school settings in Ireland: Perspectives on the Irish L2 curriculum. In J. Cohen, K. T. McAlister, K. Rolstad, & J. MacSwan (Eds.), Conference Proceedings (pp. 1722–1728). 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University, Tempe.
Orosco, M. J. (2014). Word problem strategy for Latino English language learners at risk for math disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(1), 45-53.
Palmer, D., Ballinger, S., & Peter, L. (2014). Classroom interaction in one-way, two-way, and indigenous immersion contexts. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2(2), 225-240. doi: 10.1075/jicb.2.2.05pal
Parsons, C. & Lyddy, F. (2009). The sequencing of formal reading instruction: Reading development in bilingual and English-medium schools in Ireland. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(5), 493–512.
Parsons, C. & Lyddy, F. (2009). Early reading strategies in Irish and English: Evidence from error types. Reading in a Foreign Language, 21(1), 22–36.
Pease, J. (2004). New voices ancient words: Language immersion produces fluent speakers, stronger personal and cultural identities. Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, 15(3), 15–18.
Peter, L. (2007). "Our beloved Cherokee": A naturalistic study of Cherokee preschool language immersion. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 38(4), 323–342.
Peter, L. (2014). Language ideologies and Cherokee revitalization. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2(1), 96-118. doi:10.1075/jicb.2.2.05pet


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