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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

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Curtain, H., & Dahlberg, C. (2016). Connecting language and content. In Languages and learners: Making the match, world language instruction in k-8 classroom and beyond (5th ed.) (pp.228-243). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Curtain, H., & Dahlberg, C. (2016). Building toward proficiency with interactive tasks. In Language and learners: Making the match, world language instruction in k-8 classroom and beyond (5th ed.) (pp. 133-160). Boston, MA: Pearson.
D’Angelo, N., & Chen, X. (2017). Language profiles of poor comprehenders in English and French. Journal of Research in Reading, 40(2), 153-168.
Dagenais, D. (2003). Accessing imagined communities through multilingualism and immersion education. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 2, 269–283.
Dagenais, D. & Berron, C. (2001). Promoting multilingualism through French immersion and language maintenance in three immigrant families. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14(2), 142–155.
Dagenais, D., & Day, E. (1998). Classroom language experiences of trilingual children in French immersion. Canadian Modern Language Review, 54(3), 376–393.
Damari, R. R., Rivers, P. W., Brecht, D. R., Gardner, P., Pulupa, C., & Robinson, J. (2017). The demand for multilingual human capital in the U. S. labor market. Foreign Language Annals, 50(1), 23-37.
Danesi, M. (1994). The neuroscientific perspective in second language acquisition research: A critical synopsis. IRAL: international review of applied linguistics in language teaching, 32(3), 201–228.
Davies, N. (1995). Dual focus approach for immersion teaching, language and content. In M. Berthold (Ed.), Rising to the bilingual challenge (pp. 97–119). Canberra, Australia: The National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia.
Davis, J. N. (1997). Educational reform and the Babel (babble) of culture: Prospects for the standards for foreign language learning. Modern Language Journal, 81(2), 151–163.
Day, E. M. (1988). A comparison study of early and late French immersion programs in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Education, 13(2), 290–305.
Day, E. M., & Shapson, S. M. (1991). Integrating formal and functional approaches to language teaching in French immersion: An experimental study. Language Learning, 41(1), 25–57.
Day, E. M., & Shapson, S. M. (1995). A national survey: French immersion teachers' preparation and their professional development needs. Canadian Modern Language Review, 52(2), 248–270.
Day, E. M., & Shapson, S. M. (1996). French immersion teacher education: A study of two programs. Studies in Immersion Education (pp. 100–116). Clevedon, UK:Multilingual Matters.
de Courcy, M. (1995). “You just live in French”: Adolescent learners’ experiences of French immersion. In M. J.Berthold (Ed.), Rising to the bilingual challenge (pp. 77–97). Canberra, Australia: The National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia.
de Courcy, M. (2005). Policy challenges for bilingual and immersion education in Australia: Literacy and language choices for users of aboriginal languages, Auslan, and Italian. Language and Education, 8(2&3), 178–187.
de Courcy, M. & Burston, M. (2000). Learning mathematics through French in Australia. Language and Education, 14(2), 75–95.
de Courcy, M., Warren, J., & Burston, M. (2002). Children from diverse backgrounds in an immersion programme. Language and Education, 16(2), 112–127.
Demers, D. (1994). Learning disabilities and French immersion: When to transfer; when not to transfer? Canadian Parents for French: Manitoba, 13(1), 3–5.
Department of children, schools and families. (2008). Modern foreign languages, 20–23. Retrieved from


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