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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 567 matching records for: One-way

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Faltis, C., & Smith, H. L. (2016). Bilingualism and the multilingual turn: Language-as-resource. The Bilingual Review, 33(3), 126-139.
Fan, S. P., Liberman, Z., Keysar, B., & Kinzler, K. D. (2015). The exposure advantage: Early exposure to a multilingual environment promotes effective communication. Psychological Science, 26(7), 1090-1097.
Fazio, L., & Lyster, R. (1998). Immersion and submersion classrooms: A comparison of instructional practices in language arts. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 19(4), 303–317.
Fier, V. C. (1974). The Culver City Spanish immersion program: An overview. Unpublished master’s thesis, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA.
Flynn, S., Foley, C., & Vinnitskaya, I. (2004). The cumulative-enhancement model for language acquisition: Comparing adults’ and children’s patterns of development in first, second and third language acquisition of relative clauses. The International Journal of Multilingualism , 1(1), 3–16.
Folke, T., Ouzia, J., Bright, P., De Martino, B., & Filippi, R. (2016). A bilingual disadvantage in metacognitive processing. Cognition, 150, 119-132.
Foroni, F. (2015). Do we embody second language? Evidence for ‘partial’ simulation during processing of a second language. Brain and Cognition, 99, 8-16.
Fortune, T. (2000). Immersion teaching strategies observation checklist (in The Bridge: From research to practice [insert]). ACIE Newsletter, 4(1), 1–4.
Fortune, T. & Egenberger, A. (2010). STARTALK Mandarin elementary immersion summer teacher education program (MEISTEP) (in The Bridge: From research to practice [insert]). ACIE Newsletter, 13(3), 1–12.
Fortune, T. & Menke, M. R. (2010). Struggling learners & language immersion education: Research-based, practitioner-informed responses to educators’ top questions (CARLA Publication Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.
Fortune, T. W., & Song, W. (2016). Academic achievement and language proficiency in early total Mandarin immersion education. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 4(2), 168-197.
Fortune, T. W., & Tedick, D. J. (2003). What parents want to know about foreign language immersion programs. ERIC Digest, EDO-FL-03-04 Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Retrieved from
Fortune, T. W., & Tedick, D. J. (2015). Oral proficiency assessment of English-proficient K-8 Spanish immersion students. The Modern Language Journal, 99(4), 637-655.
Fortune, T. with Fernandez del Rey, C. (2003). Maximizing language growth through collaborative-creative writing (in The Bridge: From research to practice [insert]). ACIE Newsletter, 6(2), 1–8.
Fortune, T., & Jorstad, H. (1996). U.S. immersion programs: A national survey. Foreign Language Annals, 29(2), 163–190.
Fortune, W. T., & Tedick, T. D. (2008). One-way, two-way and indigenous immersion: A call for cross-fertilization. In T. W. Fortune, & D. J. Tedick, (Eds.) (2008), Pathways to multilingualism: Evolving perspectives on immersion education. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Francis, D., Rivera, M., Lesaux, N., Kieffer, M., & Rivera, H. (2006). Practical guidelines for the education English language learners: Research-based recommendations for instruction and academic interventions. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction.
Froc, M. L. (1995). Error correction in French immersion. Canadian Modern Language Review, 51(4), 708–717.
Fryer, T. (2009). Stakeholder experiences of a dual-language international school: A qualitative case study of a private international school in Hong Kong. Journal of Research in International Education, 8(2), 210–222.
Fujita, T., Martin, S., Hergott, P., & Grady, T. (1997). The effects of beginning immersion at age three. In M. R. Childs & M. Bostwick, Learning through two languages: Research and practice Proceedings of the Second Katoh Gakuen International Symposium on Immersion & Bilingual Education. Shizuoka, Japan: Katoh Gakuen.


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