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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

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Kruk, R. S., Reynolds, K. A. (2012). French immersion experience and reading skill development in at-risk readers. Journal of Child Language, 39(3), 580–610.
Kucer, S. B., Silva, C., & Delgado Larocco, E.L. (1995). Bibliography of theme topics, generalizations, concepts, & materials. In S. B. Kucer, C. Silva, & E. L. Delgado-Larocco (Eds.), Curricular Conversations: Themes in multilingual and monolingual classrooms (pp. 137–180). York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Kucerik, J. (2000). Let's assess: Connecting students, parents, and teachers. Learning Languges, 5(2), 4–9.
Kuo, L., & Anderson, R. (2010). Beyond cross-language transfer: reconceptualizing the impact of early bilingualism on phonological awareness. Scientific Studies of Reading 14(4), 365-385. DOI: 10.1080/10888431003623470
Laing, D. (1988). A comparative study of the writing abilities of English-speaking grade 8 students in French-speaking schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 13(2), 306–324. Retrieved from
LaLonde, E. (2002). How do the learning and coping strategies used by early French immersion students affect the development of their interlanguage?
Lambert, W. E. (1974). A Canadian experiment in the development of bilingual competence. Canadian Modern Language Review, 31(2), 108–116.
Lambert, W. E. (1975). Culture and language as factors in learning and education. In A. Wolfgang (Ed.), Education of immigrant students (pp. 55–83). Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Lambert, W. E., Genesee, F., Holobow, N., & Chartrand, L. (1993). Bilingual education for majority English-speaking children. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 8(1), 3–22. Retrieved from
Landry, R., & Allard, R. (1991). Can schools promote additive bilingualism in minority group children? In L. Malave, & G. Duquette (Eds.), Language, culture and cognition: A collection of studies in first and second language acquisition (pp. 198–231). Bristol, UK:Multilingual Matters.
Lapkin, S. (1984). How well do immersion students speak and write French? Canadian Modern Language Review, 40(5), 575–85.
Lapkin, S. & Swain, M. (2004). What underlies immersion students’ production: The case of Avoir Besoin De. Foreign Language Annals, 37(3), 349–355.
Lapkin, S., & Swain, M. (1996). Vocabulary teaching in a grade 8 French immersion classroom: A descriptive case study. Canadian Modern Language Review, 53(1), 242–56.
Lapkin, S., Andrew, C.M., Harley, B., Swain, M., & Kamin, J. (1981). The immersion centre and the dual-track school environment and achievement in a French immersion program. Canadian Journal of Education, 6(3), 69–90.
Lapkin, S., Hart, D., & Swain, M. (1991). Early and middle French immersion programs: French language outcomes. Canadian Modern Language Review, 48(1), 11–41.
Lapkin, S., Swain, M., & Shapson, S. (1990). French immersion research agenda for the 90s. Canadian Modern Language Review, 46(4), 638–74.
Lapkin, S., Swain, M., & Smith, M. (2002). Reformulation and the learning of French pronominal verbs in a Canadian French immersion context. The Modern Language Journal, 86(4), 485–507.
Laplante, B. (1997). Teaching science to language minority students in elementary classrooms. NYSABE Journal, 12, 62–83.
Lasagabaster, D. (2001). Bilingualism, immersion programmes and language learning in the Basque country. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 22, 401–425.
Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2010). Immersion and CLIL in English: More differences than similarities. ELT Journal, 64(4), 367–375.


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