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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 567 matching records for: One-way

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Laurén, C. (1995). Cultural and anthropological aspects of immersion. In M. Buss, & C. Lauren (Eds.), Language immersion: Teaching and second language acquisition (pp. 21–26). Vaasa, Finland: University of Vaasa.
Leaver, B. L., & Stryker, S. B. (1989). Content-based instruction for foreign language classrooms. Foreign Language Annals, 22(3), 269–75.
Lebach, S. M. (1974). A report on the Culver City Spanish immersion program in its third year: Its implications for language and subject matter acquisition, language use, and attitudes (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of California, Los Angeles.
Legarreta, D. (1977). Language choice in bilingual classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 11(1), 9–16.
Leite, J. (2013). Mainstreaming dual language immersion: The Utah model for replicable and sustainable language education (Unpublished Masters thesis). Utah Valley University, Orem, UT.
LeLoup, J. W., & Ponterio, R. (1996). Choosing and using materials for a “net” gain in foreign language learning and instruction. In V. B. Levine (Ed.), Reaching out to the communities we serve NYSAFLT Annual meeting Series, 13, 23–32.
Lenker, A. & Rhodes, N. (2007). Foreign language immersion programs: Features and trends over 35 years. CAL Digests, 1–4.
Lewis, C., & Shapson, S. M. (1989). Secondary French immersion: A study of students who leave the program. Canadian Modern Language Review, 45(3), 539–48.
Lewis, G., Jones, B., & Baker, C. (2012). Translanguaging: Developing its conceptualisation and contextualization. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 18(7), 655–670.
Lewis, L. (1999). Homework in an immersion classroom: Parental friend or foe? ACIE Newsletter, 3(1).
Li, M., Cheng, L., Kirby, J. (2012). Phonological awareness and listening comprehension among Chinese English-immersion students. International Education, 41(2), 46–65.
Li, M., Kirby, J., Cheng, L., Wade-Woolley, L. &Qiang, H. (2012). Cognitive predictors of English reading achievement in Chinese English-immersion students. Reading Psychology, 33(5), 423–447.
Liang, X. (2011). An analysis of the nature of classroom activities: A comparative study of an immersion English class and a non-immersion English class in the mainland of China. Frontiers of Education in China, 6(2), 310–330.
Lightbown, P. (2000). Anniversary article classroom SLA research and second language teaching. Applied Linguistics (pp. 431–462).
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. (1990). Focus on form and corrective feedback in communicative language teaching. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 12, 429–48.
Lim S. E., A., Gan, L., & Sharpe, P. (1997). Immersion in Singapore preschools. In R. K. Johnson, & M. Swain (Eds.), Immersion education: International perspectives (pp. 191–208). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lindholm-Leary, K., & Genesee, F. (2014). Student outcomes in one-way, two-way, and indigenous language immersion education. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2(2), 165-180. doi:10.1075/jicb.2.2.01lin
Lo, Y. Y., & Lo, E. S. C. (2014). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of English-medium education in Hong Kong. Review of Educational Research, 84(1), 47-73.
Logie, A. (2001). Reading and the internet: A comparison of reading on the internet and reading print in French by French immersion students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Lorenz, E. B., & Met, M. (1989). What it means to be an immersion teacher. Montgomery County Public Schools.


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