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Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 567 matching records for: One-way

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Mougeon, R. & Rehmer, K. (2001). Acquisition of sociolinguistic variants by French immersion students: The case of restrictive expressions, and more. The Modern Language Journal, 85(3), 398–415.
Mougeon, R., Nadasdi, T., & Rehner, K. (2010). The sociolinguistic competence of immersion students. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Muñoz, C. (2014). Contrasting effects of starting age and input on the oral performance of foreign language learners. Applied Linguistics, 35(4), 463–482.
Munsell, P., Gándara Rauen, M., & Kinjo, M. (1988). Language learning and the brain: A comprehensive study of recent conclusions. Language Learning, 38(2), 261–277.
Nadasdi, T. & Mckinnie, M. (2003). Living and working in immersion French. French Language Studies, 13, 47–61.
Nagy, P., & Klaiman, R. (1989). Attitudes to and impact of French immersion. Canadian Journal of Education, 13(2), 263–276.
National Association of Secondary School Principals. (1998). Service learning: Ideas for planning and action, part 1. Curriculum Report, 27(4), 1–4.
National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning. (1995). Integrating language and content: Lessons from immersion. Eric Digest. Washington DC: National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning
Netten, J. E., & Spain, W. H. (1989). Student-teacher interaction patterns in the French immersion classroom: Implications for levels of achievement in French language proficiency. Canadian Modern Language Journal, 45(3), 485–501.
Nissila, N., & Bjorklund, S. (2014). One-way immersion in Europe: Historic, current, and future perspectives on program implementation and student population. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2(2), 288–302.
Nix-Victorian, J. (2010). The impact of early French immersion education on language use patterns and language attitude of post-secondary students (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Noonan, B., Colleaux, J., & Yackulic, A. (1997). Two approaches to beginning reading in early French immersion. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 54(3), 728–741.
Norris, J. & Ortega, L. (2000). Effectiveness of L2 instruction: A research synthesis and quantitative meta-analysis. Language learning, 50(3), 417–528.
Ó Duibhir, P., Dhiorbháin, A. N., & Cosgrove, J. (2016). An inductive approach to grammar teaching in Grade 5 & 6 Irish immersion classes. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 4(1), 33-58.
Obadia, A. A. (1995). What is so special about being an immersion teacher? In Buss, M. & Lauren, C. (Eds.), Language immersion: Teaching and second language acquisition (pp. 73–95). Proceedings of the University of Vaasa Research Papers, Tutklmuksia No. 192, Vaasa, Finland: University of Vaasa.
Obadia, A. A., & Martin, M. (1995). French immersion teacher shortage: Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 52(1), 81–100.
Obadia, A. A., & Thériault, C. M. L. (1997). Attrition in French immersion programs: Possible solutions (Unpublished report). British Columbia Department of Education, British Columbia, Canada.
Obler, L., & Gjerlow, K. (1999). Neurolinguistics. Language and the brain. New York: Cambridge University Press
Obler, L., & Gjerlow, K. (1999). Language organization. Language and the brain. New York: Cambridge University Press
Olson, C. P. (1983). Inequality remade: The theory of correspondence and the context of French immersion in northern Ontario. Journal of Education, 165(1), 75–82.


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