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Resources for Struggling Immersion Learners

Chapter 2

Key Questions

  • How do you differentiate between typical delays experienced by children who are learning through a second language and a language and/or learning disability?

Useful Resources

Below are selected online and print resources that pertain to issues discussed in this chapter.

  1. Legal Information in Special Education
    National Association of Special Education Teachers, 2006/2007

    This comprehensive website provides links to special education legislation and government agencies in order to keep practitioners in the field up to date. Some of the included links are: Americans with Disabilities Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1997 and IDEA 2004), No Child Left Behind, state education departments, and government resources.

  2. Legislation on Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
    U.S. Department of Education

    On this web page, you can find links with detailed information about special education and rehabilitative services legislation including IDEA (2004) and The Rehabilitation Act.

  3. LD Online: IDEA 2004
    WETA, 2008

    This web page provides an understandable review of the history, purpose and various components of the IDEA 2004 legislation. It specifically addresses the key differences between IDEA 1997 and IDEA 2004.

  4. Child Speech and Language
    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) website

    This resource provides links to information on speech disorders, language disorders, medical and developmental conditions, and communication options. There is also a section dedicated to frequently asked questions that addresses how to help children with communication disorders in schools. Finally, the ASHA website hosts a page on learning more than one language, a reference for educators and parents alike.

  5. Dynamic Assessment (DA)

    This website describes the primary characteristics and procedures for DA. It additionally provides information about who to contact for procedural materials in a variety of languages, including Chinese, Danish, English, French, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, and Spanish.

    This Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) at Pennsylvania State University counts DA among its many projects. This particular website highlights professional development materials, websites, and other references for articles on DA.

    Dynamic Assessment is presented within the larger context of summative and formative assessments in this resource. The document explores both how to use DA and how it has impacted learning.

  6. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Resource Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists B.Goldstein, 2000

    This comprehensive guide is designed to help speech-language pathologists meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Information is included about a number of varieties of English (for example, African American English, Spanish-influenced English, and Asian-influenced English) as well as assessment and intervention techniques.

  7. Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development
    Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network

    Launched in 2007, this online resource is being developed by the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network to provide in-depth, research-based information about topics such as language, numeracy, reading and writing development. Submissions are written by internationally recognized experts and address unilingual and multilingual development for typical and atypical learners.

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