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Resources for Struggling Immersion Learners

Chapter 6

Key Questions

  • Should interventions be provided in immersion students’ first language, second language, or in both?

  • If a particular language is recommended, which language should one use, when and why?

Useful Resources

Below are selected online and print resources that pertain to issues discussed in this chapter.

  1. Language Intervention from a Bilingual Mindset
    E. Thordardottir, 2006

    This short article, written for clinicians, reviews research on bilingualism and argues that specialists need to have a “bilingual mindset” when making decisions regarding intervention for children with communication impairments. Thordardottir reminds specialists that bilingualism is indeed a feasible goal for all and that it is their responsibility to provide a learning context in which children are able to attain this goal.


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