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Resources for Struggling Immersion Learners

Chapter 9

Key Questions

  • Is it appropriate to pre-assess potential students’ readiness to enter
    an immersion program?

  • If so, how might this be carried out and by whom?

Useful Resources

Below are selected online and print resources that pertain to issues discussed in this chapter.

  1. Two-way Immersion (TWI) Toolkit
    E. R. Howard, J. Sugarman, M. Perdomo, and T. T. Adger, 2005

    This Toolkit is designed to meet the growing demand from teachers, administrators, and parents for guidance related to the effective implementation of TWI programs. Although the Toolkit is primarily intended to support teachers, administrators, and parents who are new to two-way immersion, those with experience in TWI may also find the Toolkit useful. The Toolkit is composed of three segments: program design and planning, classroom instruction, and parental involvement. The pages that specifically address late entry into TWI programs are 50-52.

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