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Video Testimonials

To give you more insights into the roles and work of the LPD, watch these video testimonials from novice and seasoned LPDs representing a range of languages and institutions. After watching each video, reflect on the following questions:

  • What language can you borrow from this LPD to better describe your position/role in your department?
  • How would you overcome the challenge this LPD identified? 
  • How does the “lesson learned” that this LPD presented apply to your context?
  • How is the advice provided by this LPD useful to you?


Name: William Justin Morgan

Position: Assistant Professor, Language Program Director

Institution: West Virginia University

Languages Supported: Spanish

Years of Experience: 1

Name: Lauren Goodspeed

Position: Lecturer, Coordinator in French

Institution: University of Minnesota

Languages Supported: French

Years of Experience: 2

Name: Brenna Byrd

Position: Assistant Professor, Director of Beginning German Language

Institution: University of Kentucky

Languages Supported: German

Years of Experience: 10

Name: Lynne deBenedette

Position: Senior Lecturer, Language Program Director

Institution: Brown University

Languages Supported: Russian

Years of Experience: 25


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414