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Deepening Your Understanding: Resources on Program Evaluation and Improvement

In addition to the references cited throughout this module, a number of publications and online professional development materials can provide more information and support.

Practical Resources

  • The Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center’s (AELRC) mission is “to facilitate useful assessment and evaluation practice that help foreign language educators innovate and improve their programs, ensure accountability to students and society, and articulate the value of foreign language studies in the world today.”
  • The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research’s (CALPER) Language Assessment website was developed to familiarize language educators with a variety of approaches to assessing language development.
  • The Center for Applied Linguistics offers Understanding Assessment, a set of online modules on foreign language testing with sections on practicality, reliability, validity, and impact.
  • The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning’s (COERLL) online Foreign Language Teaching Methods includes an assessment module that provides practical information about the advantages and disadvantages of common language assessment approaches.
  • Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education (Winke, P. & Gass, S. M. (Eds.). 2019. Springer) includes chapters on a range of approaches to and practices in assessment.

Scholarly Resources

Aryadoust, V., & Raquel, M. (Eds.). (2019). Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume I: Fundamental techniques (Vol. 1, Ser. Routledge Research in Language Education). Routledge.

Bachman, L. F., & Damböck B. (2018). Language assessment for classroom teachers. Oxford University Press.

Bannerjee, H. L. (2016). Test fairness in second language assessment. Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 54–59. 

Brown, J. D. (Ed.) (2012). Developing, using, and analyzing rubrics in language assessment with case studies in asian and pacific languages. National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii. 

Davis, J. McE. (2018). Best practices for language program evaluation success. In J. McE. Davis & T. H. McKay (Eds.), A guide to useful evaluation of language programs (pp. 7–14). Georgetown University Press.

Davis, J. McE., & McKay, T. H. (Eds.) (2018). A guide to useful evaluation of language programs. Georgetown University Press.

Lord, G. (2014). Language program direction: Theory and practice. Pearson.

Norris, J. (2016). Language program evaluation. Modern Language Journal, 100, 169-189. 

Norris, J., & Mills, N. (Eds.). (2016). Innovation and accountability in language program evaluation. Cengage.

Ramírez, C. K., Lafford, B. A., & Wermers, J. E. (2021). Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment. Georgetown University Press.

Wallace, M. P., & University of Macau. (2018). Fairness and justice in L2 classroom assessment: Perceptions from test takers. Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(4), 1051-1064. 

Watanabe, Y., Davis, J. McE., & Norris, J. (2012). SLO assessment. Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center, Georgetown University.

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