Modes of Communication
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Examples of integrated performance assessment units can be used or adapted to fit your classroom.
Level: Intermediate

Theme: Health and Wellness
Essential Question: What am I doing for my health?
Students have learned about food, sports, fitness, school and free time activities.
Content: Students will understand 1) that many factors impact health; 2) everyday behaviors play a role in maintaining good health; 3) being healthy is important to people of all cultures.
Language: Students will be able to use the target language to tell their opinions on how to maintain good health, using learned vocabulary and expressions.
Performance Assessment Tasks: Interpersonal, Interpretive, Presentational
Note: Assessments are given on separate days throughout the unit, rather than on successive days
The interpersonal and presentational tasks can be evaluated using a rubric (see the Evaluation section for information on constructing rubrics), while the interpretive task is based on responses on the students’ worksheets.
Mode: Interpretive | Mode: Presentational |
Mode: Interpersonal |
Students read an article about the impact lack of exercise, unhealthy habits and diets have on people and society. |
Students write a post for the "Add your comments" section of a German newspaper or web site expressing their opinion about what advertisers can do to help students live healthier and better balanced lives. |
In groups of three, students discuss fitness and eating habits. They make suggestions and give and get each other’s opinion, and ideas and use the information from the article they read earlier in the unit, or other information assigned by the teacher. Student’s conversations can be recorded, and the teacher can listen to the conversations as she rotates among the groups. |
Criteria for Evaluation: |
Criteria for Evaluation: |
Criteria for Evaluation: Teacher: Multitrait rubric |
Connections: Standard 3.1
Students reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. |
Evidence: Blog posts with suggestions about small steps people can take to be healthier and in better shape. |
Interpretive Task
“What am I doing for my health?”
Provide the information in the spaces below.
1. Underline the main idea of the article (do not underline an entire paragraph, but choose the sentence or two that contain the main idea.
2. Supporting details: in German (target language) write the phrases from the article that contains information about:
- Reasons why young people work/eat fast food/drive fast/don't exercise?
- Who is affected by stress:
- One way to address the problem:
3. What have you learned from this article? You can write in English or use German/target language.
Interpersonal Task
"What am I doing for my health?
Students sit in groups of three to answer the question: Why is this topic important or not important?
They are asked to record their conversations allowing the teacher to review any groups that could not be heard during the assessment.
After their conversation, students:
- Stop the recorder
- Fill out the discussion Self-Assessment Sheet
See more examples of complete standards-based integrated performance assessment units.