What am I Assessing?
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1. Referring to the NAEP graphic, complete these statements:
- is the focal point for all assessment
in the world language classroom.
- There are types of Communication which are called
- Communication means understanding, interpreting, and analyzing what is heard, read or viewed on a variety of topics.
- Communication means interacting and negotiating meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings and opinions.
- Communication means presenting information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
- , , , and represent the four Cs of the World-Readiness Standards and provide the context for the assessment.
- Communication is the focal point for all assessment in the world language classroom.
- There are three types of Communication which are called Modes.
- Interpretive Communication means understanding spoken or written language such as reading a magazine or listening to a radio show.
- Interpersonal Communication means interacting with another person or persons in conversation or via email.
- Presentational Communication means speaking or writing for an audience such as giving a speech or writing an essay.
- Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities represent the four Cs of the National Standards and provide the context and content for the assessment.
2. Which of the assessments below reflects the integrated performance assessment model advocated by the NAEP graphic?
- Students will complete a multiple choice test about the
short story they read.
- Students will write an essay about their career plans.
- After taking a virtual tour of an art museum in Madrid,
students will present a close-up of an artist whose work is
on display in the museum. Afterwards, students will discuss
which artists they like and why.
- Students will watch a movie and discuss it.
Assessment C is the only choice where all three modes of communication are integrated: the virtual tour requires listening and viewing, the Interpretive Mode. Students create close-ups of various artists to present to classmates, the Presentational Mode. Finally students discuss their personal preferences concerning the art they viewed, the Interpersonal Mode.
3. Look at the assessments in #2 that did not reflect integrated
performances. How could these be changed to integrate the three
modes of Communication?
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- After reading a short story (Interpretive), students could discuss the theme and the degree to which it reflects a universal theme, one that is meaningful to them in today’s world (Interpersonal). Finally students could write an adaptation of the story (Presentational).
- Students research possible careers in a country where the target language is spoken (Interpretive). Students share the careers they researched in small groups to compare requirements, responsibilities, etc. (Interpersonal). Finally, students write essays about their career plans referencing some of the careers they researched and why the careers would or would not be interesting to them (Presentational).
- Students watch a movie from the target culture (Interpretive), discuss the movie (Interpersonal), present a scene or adapted scene from the movie (Presentational).