Welcome to your first unit on learning pragmatics in Spanish!
In this unit, you will start thinking more about general pragmatic features of language. These features are important in your native language and in any other language(s) you are learning. Throughout this website, you will work with examples and content unique to Spanish; however, much of what you learn can be applied to any language.
What does pragmatics mean? |
On a very basic level, "pragmatics" refers to the way we convey meaning through communication. This meaning includes verbal and non-verbal elements and varies depending on the context, the relationship between people talking, and many other social factors. Let's look at an example to get an idea of what this means.
Imagine that your roommate, also a close friend, asks you to do something you do not want to do, like cleaning the kitchen instead of going out with another friend.
How do you respond?

- You might use different verbal strategies such as: "Sorry, I can't right now."
- You might just use a "look" or a tone, like a glare or a sarcastic response.
Each of these responses conveys meaning. The meaning conveyed also depends on the context (e.g., setting, person you are communicating with, prior experience) and involves both the person talking and the person listening and responding.
List all of the ways you convey or interpret meaning in your own communication. Some examples may include word choice (e.g., hi vs. hello) and structure (e.g., Would you mind?...Can you...?).