This module is designed as a resource module for you as you expand your knowledge and learn more about Spanish pragmatics.
What are conversational practices? |
Conversational practices refer to the elements of interaction which make the conversation successful or unsuccessful. This area of pragmatics includes elements such as negotiating turns, topic selection, and other patterns of interaction.
What do you need to know about conversational practices in Spanish? |
- Turn-Taking
- Challenge Questions
Turn-taking is especially important to look at in Spanish because speakers negotiate turns effectively with a high rate of overlap. It is important to get used to this style in order to demonstrate involvement and interest in the conversation. Play the conversation below, paying special attention to how both participants are talking to each other simultaneously (overlapping).
Challenge questions and statements are also representative of a highly-interactive listening style. Challenge questions and statements are often inserted by the listener while the other is speaking to demonstrate interest. For someone who is not accustomed to this type of interaction, challenge questions and statements may appear to be offensive; however, their use can be critical in maintaining positive interactions. Notice Deya's (left) use of challenge questions in another part of her conversation with María (right). Click the transcript button below to follow along. This time, the challenge questions and statements have been highlighted for you.