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The sites listed here include discussion groups, resources listings, and educational information that provide information about cultural issues. A related page lists journals dealing with cultural issues that are also available on the web.

For your convenience this list has been divided into categories.

General Resources for Language Teachers

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
CAL is supported by a non-profit organization and is a clearinghouse for research, information, and project descriptions concerned with language and culture as it relates to education and other social concerns. This organization also publishes the CAL Reporter.

CLNET Diversity Page
This is an extensive list of other sites, divided into categories such as African-American resources, Asian American resources, Native American resources, and Latino resources. There are also some general resources listed.


Dave's ESL Cafe
This site has interesting links to an ESL quote page, quiz center, idiom page, and idea page as well as links for ESL students.


E. L. Easton’s Materials for Teaching Languages
This site is an excellent teacher-developed resource that includes a variety of materials for teachers of English and other languages.

Multicultural Pavilion
The University of Virginia's project to provide a resource for educators interested in multicultural issues.

I Love Languages Page
Advertised as a "comprehensive catalog of language related websites on the Internet."


Language Resource Center
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the 15 Language Resource Centers (LRC) aim to improve language teaching and learning. Their joint web portal includes extensive resources for language teachers on culture learning. Most of the resources are available free online.


OMLTA (Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association)
This website offers a wealth of teaching resources, links to specific language sites (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish) and professional associations, as well as a collection of tongue twisters, license plates from around the world and Christmas banners in 55 languages.

Sarah & John's TEFL Pitstop
This page provides free teaching materials for ESL teachers including curriculum ideas, classroom activities, and examination ideas.


UCLA Language Materials Project
The UCLA Language Materials Project (LMP) is an online bibliographic database of teaching and learning materials for over 150 Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs). It includes many cultural resources for LCTL teachers.

International Education Websites

Escotet Foundation
The Escotet foundation is a not-for-profit whose mission is to develop, support and disseminate social innovation and virtual programs, services and resources in intercultural and international development education and its interrelationship with human and social sciences.


Globalization 101
This website offers issue briefs and lesson plans, all about different aspects of globalization and its affect on culture. It has a specific section on the globalization of languages and the protection of languages.

Peace Corps World Wise Schools
World Wise Schools is dedicated to promoting 21st century global learning through stories, activities, and classroom resources Ð all of which are based on Peace Corps Volunteer experiences.
This site aims to provide K-12 teachers with easy access to high quality scholarship, primary sources, and web-based connections to five world regions, global issues and work in global education.


Progressive Directory
This directory is maintained by the Institute for Global Communications and lists sites relating to environmental and progressive resources. In addition, they feature current items from the international news and have an issues page where various current events are discussed in depth.


A website with lots of intercultural, multicultural, indigenous, and ESL activities.


World Savvy
Offers a comprehensive range of free global education resources accessible to educators across disciplines to bring the world into the classroom. The World Savvy Monitor provides a primer on complex global issues and show how teachers can bring that knowledge into the classroom.


WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources
The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources is a frequently updated Internet directory of over 2000 annotated links to high-quality English-language sources of information and analysis in a wide range of international affairs, international relations, international studies, global studies, and global education topics. These sites are carefully selected for their long-term value, favoring those with cost-free, authoritative information and analysis online. Each website is described only in general terms because of the typically rapid changes in details of its contents and features.


Websites About Specific Languages and Cultures

Asia Society
Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Their vast website includes resources for Chinese language teaching and learning, understanding Asian cultures, and working torward globalization of school curricula.


Culture Quest
Sample the delicious cuisines, play the games, see the museums full of arts, crafts and history, hear the folktales and learn about the holidays and festivals of many of the world's cultures.


Ethnologue: Languages of the World
iEthnologue: Languages of the World is a comprehensive reference work cataloging all of the world's known living languages. Since 1951, the Ethnologue has been an active research project involving hundreds of linguists and other researchers around the world. It is widely regarded to be the most comprehensive source of information of its kind.

Foreign Language & Culture
This site provides news from around the world and cultural information about different cultures and language groups, including less commonly taught languages like Tamil, Latvian, Bulgarian, Persian, and Welsh.


Outreach World

Download cross-regional, standard-specific, globally-focused units, lessons and instructional aids designed by teachers and scholars and tested by practicing precollegiate teachers affiliated with the National Resource Center network.


SIL International
SIL works alongside ethnolinguistic communities and their partners as they discover how language development addresses the challenging areas of their daily livesÑsocial, cultural, political, economic and spiritual. They host an archive of 30,000 resources dating from 1935 to the present that describe, document, and/or communicate in the languages and cultures SIL serves.


UN Cyber School Bus

Includes lessons and thematic units, and two student-friendly sections for student research:InfoNation lets you compare major statistics in different countries, and Country at a Glance lets students click on a map, pick a country and find some basic info about the country, plus links to online newspapers from that country.


UNHCR Kid Zone

Sponsored by the UN High Commission for Refugees, this website hosts a number of experiential games for kids to learn about the problems refugees face. "Against All Odds" in an online game that can be played in Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. The UNHCR website also includes lesson plans on examining the cultural riches refugees bring to their communities.

VCU Trail Guide to International Site and Language Resources

An impressive collection of language, culture, and literature links (French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish).


World of Words

A web-based database of information on international children's literature, online publications and other resources to help teachers and others use books to open the world to children around the world.


Intercultural Encounters on the Web

Culture Shock: A Fish Out Of Water
A reading, an explanation, and interactive exercises on culture shock, which includes lessons on metaphor, simile, gestures and cues.


iEARN is a non-profit organization made up of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 140 countries who are committed to "learning with the world, not just about it." iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies.

Global SchoolNet
The goal of this site is to link students from around the world by providing discussion forums, via the Internet, and by promoting special international events geared for students for educational purposes. In addition, it provides information for teachers on how they can integrate the Internet into their classroom activities.


Students of the World / Etudiants du Monde
Etudiants du Monde is a French non-profit association, whose aim and ambition is to open the doors of the world's cultures to young people. It offers email penpal connections for students and teachers as well as blogs, forums, and games.


For a list of listservs related to language and culture teaching, learning, and research see the CARLA Teaching Resources page.



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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414