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Technology Integration Modules

Originally started as part of the CoBaLTT (Content-Based Language Teaching with Technology) Project, the modules later became part of the LT4 (Technology Training Targeted for Language Teachers) Project.

These modules served their purpose many years ago: to give instruction about technology tools and activity ideas for incorporating technology into language teaching and learning. Now this site is undergoing a massive updating and restructuring, as most of the links have broken and many of the tools have disappeared - and now there are many new tools with more robust capabilities!  If you are looking for something specific - a tech tool, or "which button do I push to..."  - our best advice is to Google it! There is almost always something out there, and you'll find many YouTube videos with explanations of "how to" do just about anything.

You may still find some of the modules useful that are linked below. If you are missing something that you have found useful recently, please let Marlene know.

Technology Integration Modules:



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