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Digital Storytelling: Create Your Story

A storyboard is a good way to put all the pieces of your story together.
There are many different templates and tools to do this, but for our purposes, just a word processor will be fine.

  • Write the script of your story in the word process - remember the 7 elements!
  • Leave a double space between sections and put the name of the image at the top of the section where it will show.
  • Here's an example storyboard (Word doc)


The stories you looked at in the "Examples" section were created in an online tool called VoiceThread. Using this tool makes it very easy for students to upload images and add their voice to each one. You can add "comments" to each image - via text, voice, and video. Here is a video with more explanation as an introduction.

Here is an example VoiceThread called "Hats" that you can try adding a comment to:

  • first, you will need to create an account in order to comment
  • then, choose a hat and tell a story about it



Now you are ready to create your own story!

  • click the "powered by voicethread" tab at the top of the VoiceThread box
  • then click "Create" to get started
  • follow the instructions to upload your photos and create your story!


Additional notes about VoiceThread

In the free version of VoiceThread, you can save only 3 threads.

  • K-12 teachers register and apply for a free account with unlimited threads! Pay $10 for a more secure environment.
  • Higher Ed teachers get expanded accounts for minimal price ($2 or $24/year)


Additional Tools for Digital Storytelling

There are many other free online tools that can be used for a variety of purposes of storytelling! You can find a list of them on the CARLA Technology Institute wiki along with many other new tools!

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