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Wikis for Collaboration: Create

Now that you've had a bit of experience working in a wiki from the Activities section, you are ready to create your own wiki!

You have a choice of many different wiki providers - some of the ones we see the most are PBworks, Wikispaces, and WetPaint. Choose the free version - you can make as many free wikis as you want! Which one you choose may depend on how you like the organizational possibilities, the presence of a discussion for each page, and ease of use. Try two or three of them and see which one you like best for what you want to do.

Most teachers will create two wikis - one for teacher materials (teacher only edit permissions) and a second where you have will your students working. It's up to you how you want to create multiple sections of the same class, all in one wiki (easier to create instructions in one place) or a separate wiki for each section/class (easier to organize in each one and less temptation to "edit" other students' work).


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