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Introduction to Technology Integration: Activities

The Activity sections are your chance to play and explore. You might try out a particular technology tool from the viewpoint of a student, to give you an idea of what it would be like to incorporate that tool. Or you might be asked to do some preparation work for the next Create section. Or you might have something to search out and discover. You should look at this section as a way to engage with the content.

Review: Go back to the 3 tech integration frameworks you looked at in the Readings part of this module. Pick one of the frameworks that appeals most to you - and think about where you fit in the framework in general with your technology use in class. Does the framework give you any ideas for how you might change or add to your technology incorporation?

Write: Make some notes about what you hope to get out of these modules. Write at least 3 goals for your professional development for technology integration, based on the framework you selected. Share your goals with your group.



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