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Introduction to Technology Integration: Create

This section involves actually making something yourself. The key to this section is hands-on work, not just reading about how something is done. For example, if the module topic is "generic software," you might be making a brochure in MS Word.  You would be given a link to a brochure template that you can download and use to create your brochure. Or maybe it will be an online tool where you will create an account for yourself and make a simple online activity.

For this introduction, discuss with your partner/group about choosing an online space to collect your thoughts, share what you create, post feedback for what you create, and share additional resources you might know about or find. Whether you are physically together, or connecting online, an online space for this might make sense, so that you all can access the information from anywhere, and can hold and organize a series of documents, images, movies, etc. as needed.

Some suggestions for this online discussion/collection space:

  • a Google drive folder
  • a wiki site
  • a "sandbox" instance of your school's LMS (learning management system - like Canvas, D2L, Moodle, etc.)

Nominate one person to request or create the space and share it with the others in the group so you all can edit or add to what is there.

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