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Technology Use Survey

To support language teachers’ need for new technologies, the LT4 (Technology Training Targeted for Language Teachers) project published a survey toscreenshot of tech survey determine the needs of language teachers with regard to technology. The technology skills survey has been circulated and completed by more than 150 language teachers from around the country. The data gathered from this survey will guide the process of selecting topics and approaches to offering technology learning experiences to language teachers.

The results of the survey from Sepember 2007, are summarized below.


Chart showing percentages of the languages taught by survey takers


Numbers of survey takers who already do each type of technology in the classroomNumber of survey takers who would like more instruction on certain types of technology

Click images for a full-screen view


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414